PT 1971 Page. 69: Par.(22) The manifestation of the Youthful Worthies as a separate and distinct class as early as 1917 (the antitypical men of Ephraim; Judges 7: 24—8: 3; E 5, pp. 224-235), proves that prior to that time the reaping and gleaning of the Little Flock had ended; for the Youthful Worthies could not be known as a separate and distinct class while the Little Flock were still being reaped. See PT 1971 Pages 69 - 75
The reaping went from 1874 to 1914. The "present view" gave up two truths that the Bible and facts teach are truths: (1) that the Harvest (Reaping) would be 40 years long and, (2) When was the end of the Harvest? The following question and answer give us that answer.
Little Flock—Harmonize That All Has Been Won With Rom. 11: 25.
Question (1921)—Please harmonize your teaching that all of the remaining members of the Little Flock have been won with Rom. 11: 25?
Answer.—By “the fulness of the Gentiles” we understand the full number of the Elect gathered out from among the Gentiles to be meant. Israel failing to furnish the full 144,000 of the Elect, God visited the Gentiles to complete from among them the predestined number. (John 1: 11-13; Acts 15: 14; Rom. 11: 5, 7, 11-15, 17-24.) Until the balance of the Elect—those not won from Israel, but from the Gentiles—would be found, Israel was to remain in blindness according to Rom. 11: 25...
The first of these stages covered the period from the spring of 1878 to the fall of 1881, during which the last ones of the Elect necessary to bring up the number on this and on the other side of the veil of the full 144,000 tentatively came in...
But the fulness of the Gentiles coming in from 1878 to 1881 did not in all its individuals remain in. Some fell out, and in 1881 it was necessary to call certain ones in to fill the lapsed places among the tentative Elect this side the veil. During the period from 1881 to 1914 there set in another stage for the fulness of the Gentiles to come in; and by the fall of 1914 this stage ended with the last one of the tentative Elect being won. Consequently from that time on none of the tentative Elect would lose their crowns; but they would remain the tentative Elect until they would pass beyond the veil. During the same period (1881-1914) Israel’s blindness was rapidly giving way...
EVol. 16 Pages 126-127
The ninth purpose of the Gospel Age is the selection of a consecrated class for Youthful Worthiship...
We have shown elsewhere that the Jewish and the Gospel Ages with their harvests, as parallel dispensations, are of equal length and of similar events. Thus the time from the death of Jacob to the death of Jesus, the respective heads of fleshly and of spiritual Israel, was 1845 years, and the time from the call of the Gentiles (Cornelius, etc.), Oct. 36, to Oct. 1881 was also 1845 years. The call of Cornelius ended the exclusive favor to natural Israel; and the call that went out in Oct. 1881 ended the exclusive favor to spiritual Israel, which was brought about by the call of people outside of the churches as well as in the churches. Let no one, from this statement, understand us to mean that nobody was any longer called to Bride-ship with Christ after 1881; for such a special call was extended to individuals in and out of the churches until the full number of the Elect in Sept. 1914 was fixedly complete,...
Br. Johnson brings clarity to The Epiphany for the development of the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies as classes. In view of the Servant's writings, the current Executive Trustee's view sinks on its lack of proof. See: E.17 Pages 17, 39. E.16 Page 127. E.11 Page 95. QB. Pages 82, 377. E.13 Pages 682, 688, etc.