"...so during the Parousia, specifically Epiphany truths could not be seen. Thus when the Parousia ended, 1914, all error was removed from the Parousia truths, i.e., the truths needed for the development of the Little Flock. But by the same token not all error was by 1914 removed from matters pertinent, to the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies. This will have taken place by 1954, each of these things being set forth respectively by the purification of the mother of a son in forty, and that of a mother of a daughter in eighty days (Lev. 12). Hence as the Epiphany advances the immaturities on the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies of the Parousia and of the past Epiphany times give way to clearer light, even as this same principle operated during the Parousia as to its immaturities. Thus 'the path of the just is as a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect [full] day' (Prov. 4: 18).
Accordingly, no new Truth for the development of the Little Flock for the Kingdom has come since the Parousia's end; all of it that has since come is for the development of the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies..."
Since 1954, the Lord has been building the Epiphany Camp. This work will continue until the times of Restitution. The servants gave us the truth concerning the Youthful Worthies. Instead of trying to rewrite history, the correct course to take is to support their "Truth as Due" of building the Epiphany Camp!