...(e) During the 40-year Parousia, the time of the Little Flock's reaping, Bro. Russell thought that the Time of Trouble would end shortly after 1914; and it is not yet due for us to know exactly when it will end. Also, in F 128, 129, Bro. Russell gave an immature thought when he wrote that Gershon types "the saved world of mankind" (see F, Appendix, Note 1, for further light on this as it became due). Bro. Russell brought forth light on the non-Spirit-begotten consecrated—the Youthful Worthies—as it became due to be given in the Parousia period after the general call to the High Calling ended in 1881; but many Scriptures regarding the Youthful Worthies were not opened up through God's special servants for them until they came forth as a separate class in the Epiphany, with special need for this Truth as due.
PT. 1977 Pg. 89, 90