Question ─ Are the Great Company and Youthful Worthies classes of the Gospel Age Harvest? How is it that Bro. Russell never had any part in developing either of these classes?
Answer ─ We are not to understand that during the Gospel Age God has been calling two classes to salvation; for the record is: "Ye are called in the one hope of your calling" (Eph. 4: 4);" E-4, p 89. . .
But, as our Pastor’s work was not that of gathering the Great Company and Youthful Worthies as such, the truths that he gave on these subjects were not full enough for the work of gathering these as such. E-5, p.39. . . .
The Epiphany Truth consists of such truths as are needed by the Little Flock to equip her for her Epiphany work, as are needed to furnish the superstructure of Truth required to develop the Great Company and Youthful Worthies, E-5, p. 502. . . .
Let us all humbly and diligently study God's Word and hold to and follow only such teachers as have not lost the Parousia and Epiphany Truth and hold only to such teachings as are proven to be Scriptural, reasonable and factual (1 Thes. 5: 21). PT 1977, p. 93, par. 54.
The Great Company as individuals, from shortly after Pentecost onward, and as a class from Nov. 25, 1916 ─ Jan. 14, 1917," E-13, p. 20.
The Lord’s work that has since been going on has been building the Epiphany Tabernacle, which had its beginning in the call of the Youthful Worthies from 1914 onward, E-11, p. 493.
I have reviewed and verified the references and they are correct. I failed to understand why with numerous comments and references from the Parousia and Epiphany truth writings why the dear brethren cannot see the mistaken idea of the present view on the Youthful Worthies. I’m also very grateful for the efforts by those who created this blog. John
Certain ones are now teaching that the Youthful Worthies are a Gospel Age Harvest Class. Can this be found anywhere in the Truth writings?
I've searched but haven't been able to find it anywhere.
Many of us have been students of the Parousia and Epiphany Truth for many years. We have never seen "Gospel Age Harvest Class" terminology. Especially pertaining to the Youthful Worthies.
Many of us have copies of the new CD and Harvest CD. Investigating in a search "Gospel Age Harvest Class" we didn't find any results. Since there was one call during the Gospel Age; Who did the Harvest pertain to? Certainly God wasn't Harvesting the Youthful Worthies; their call ended in 1954. The Gospel Age Harvest was a period lasting from 1874 - 1914... So Who was gathered?
E-17 Page 303
Ps. 50: 5 shows that one of the activities of that period would be a gathering of the Lord's faithful people to Him; that the "angels" that were to do this gathering of saints were not spirit, but human, messengers who by the sickle of Truth reaped God's faithful people...the great trumpet of Matt. 24: 31 is the Harvest Truth as a message that began to go forth in 1874, and by the Fall of 1914 effected the reaping, and by the Spring of 1916 effected the gleaning, of the saints of God;
I don't think the reaping and gleaning of the "saints of God" in this particular instance refer to the Youthful Worthies...Maybe it is the reason Bro. J named E-Vol. 4 “The Epiphany’s Elect” because Youthful Worthies are an “Epiphany Elect” class. This terminology is found in the Epiphany writings...
Thank you very much for your thorough answer.
NO one should be teaching that the Youthful Worthies are a Gospel Age Harvest Class
I am so happy to see this blog. I am so thankful that there a people trying to stand up for the truth. How completely against scripture and God's plan is the idea that two callings are going on at the same time. Jesus came to gather his church class in the Harvest time and there was not a call to becoming a Youthful Worthy until this task was completed. All were responding to that single calling. That there were not enough spots for everyone called to be of the Church is why another call was later opened up. God and Jesus are shown through the scriptures to be single-minded in purpose and thorough with all things related to the plan of God. There are not two doors to chose from. How against God's plan and God & Jesus's dealings with the church would the idea of two callings be. Thank you so much for standing for what is right. I hope the brethren will at some point realize what standing for God's truth and plan has cost various brethren. I hope and pray they will see that.
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