Why 127 years after the Youthful Worthies came into existence as individuals and 54 years after their call ended are we seeking to change a "Purified" Truth?
While it is easier to go with the flow and keep the peace ("Truth is first pure, then peaceable."), it is better to stand up for the Truth and do the right thing. But it will cost you.
It may cost you your position as a Pilgrim, an Evangelist or other service in which you may be involved. Is your position of service more important than being true to yourself and God? What do you do when a prominent pilgrim from the Midwest asks, "Whom do we Serve? You better say the _ _ _ _ ." Do you give into the peer pressure? Do you accept it because he said it? Do the scriptures say: "As for me and my house we serve a man?" Did you make your consecration to an organization, a man or Jehovah God?
For defending the Truth, you may be called a sifter and get dirty looks from Brethren you have known for years. Just remember, they are still your Brethren! Only God has the ability to read man's heart. Never apologize for asking questions or proving a truth. It's a privilege and also a responsibility that shouldn't be taken lightly.
1952 PT. Page 4--While the Parousia and Epiphany Messengers were not infallible, and therefore made some minor mistakes, the Lord during the Parousia and Epiphany has been and is sitting as a refiner and purifier of silver, "gradually purifying the Truth from error during the Parousia and Epiphany until no error remains therein—the mother gradually undergoing purification as the 40 Or 80 days progressed" (E Vol. 4, pp. 105, 106). He has been causing His light to shine more and more and will continue to do so unto the perfect day (Prov. 4: 18)...
What does this mean? Since 1954, the Truth, dates and information on the Youthful Worthies was purified (i.e., free from contamination or made pure). Made pure for the development of the Youthful Worthies.
Since 2004, the Executive Trustee has been making changes to this purified and pure Truth concerning the Youthful Worthies. We all might want to take notice.
PT. 1931 Page 9--Pride and ambition as a rule are the causes of people imbibing error and spreading it. They get a thoughtlet. Not realizing that Satan injected it into their minds, they turn it about and look at it from many sides, patting themselves on their backs as inventors of deep and wonderful thoughts. The more they think of it, the more the thoughtlet grows in their estimation. Soon they think: "This is too good to keep to ourselves, for that would make no one wonder at the depth of thought in us...
Many have been associated with the Parousia and Epiphany Truth for years. There is a Sr. in MI that has thousands of tapes and recordings of prominent Brothers who have spoken from the 1950s up to 2004. You won't find one who states that the Youthful Worthies had their beginning in 1878.
You will hear over and over again 1881 as individuals and 1914 as a class by Pilgrims, Auxiliary Pilgrims and Evangelists.
The Writings say that the Youthful Worthies were individuals in 1881 and a class in 1914 as the purified truth. It was Bro. Russell's thought. It was confirmed by Bro. Johnson and later by Bro. Jolly. It is a purified truth since 1954 and must be respected.
Will You Stand For The Truth and Be Counted?
I agree with these dates. See E vol 4 The Epiphany's Elect. Pg. 419 Question 18. Please read the question and the answer.It gives these (2) dates listed in the atricle 1881 and 1914. The answer given in the volume is very clear. Yes . Read it for yourself.It is also stated many other times in other writings and also in many tapes as you say. Why did Pastor Johnson use this date if it was'nt so? I can not imagine anyone being criticized for using this date. Thanks for standing up for the Truth. GOD BLESS YOU.
I will stand up and be counted. If Bro. Johnson is the Epiphany Messenger, in charge of the Epiphany truth, then those things he was put in charge of are his to give, not someone else's years after the message, to change. The Youthful Worthy class (and its particulars) is a foundational truth of the Epiphany. The information related to the Youthful Worthies was purified by 1954. It was vetted by GOD, thus cannot be changed now. If GOD cleanses, no one should go back and tell GOD he is wrong. This could be considered a form of blasphemy.
The message now being given has also taken away from the Little Flock - their calling, and the objects of Jesus'return - that He came for His Bride first. Now, with this new view, Jesus' focus is not soley on his bride till the door closes. Another class has taken some of the focus away from the Body of Christ. We know that Jesus came first and foremost for His Church. So, not only is it inappropriate to change cleansed truth, it is inappropriate to alter GOD's plan in relation to the Object of our Lord's return. We should never stand idly and quietly by when we hear of our Dear Saviour's mission to His Church lessened in importance. If you stand against this error, you stand for Jesus and His Bride.
Those who have stood up for our Lord and His Bride have been persecuted. I have been as well. We are not called Brethren by our Brethren. They think we are of the world and have lost our standing. "They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." Standing up was never easy, but think who you are standing up for.
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