When someone has to give a discourse that focuses on the Executive Trustee's manufactured "present view" of the Youthful Worthies (based his misread of the Ruth picture in E4), contradictions with other parts of E4 are unavoidable. For instance, here is the transcribed text of a nice Brother from Pennsylvania who had to give a symposium part that included the new Youthful Worthy call date of 1878.
“Now if you notice on your program after the words 1878 / 33 AD and Rapture, there is another slash and then the words YW Call. The Youthful Worthy call was not directly related to the Rapture as such. But we know from our studies that in 1878 the fullness of the Gentiles, as referred to in Romans 11:25, came in. What was the fullness of the Gentiles? The fullness of the Gentiles was the point when the Lord’s predetermined number of places in the Bride of Christ had all been probationally filled. After this, some of these prospective members of the Bride of Christ lost this position due to measureable unfaithfulness. And these were then replaced by others who were already consecrated to whom the Lord then gave Spirit begettal. And I understand that from the time in 1878, when all of the members of Christ’s Bride had been probationally selected until the end of the Youthful Worthy call, any who consecrated were prospective Youthful Worthies, unless they became Spirit begotten, or unless they ceased to be prospective Youthful Worthies due to unfaithfulness. And so we find that we have a time in 1878 when there were many things taking place. It was a very important date in Bible chronology. You know in 12 minutes, brethren, you can’t really say a lot about a subject.”
As we have stressed in previous entries, this "present view" would make Brother Johnson contradict himself before and after the Ruth chapter (see the cover, pages 405, 419, 440, 462, 469, etc.). Is the Executive Trustee telling us that Brother Johnson could not write a book and be in harmony with his own thoughts? Apparently. And the brother who gave this portion, as much as he avoided giving details of the new call, still has to admit to this contradiction.
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