The current "Executive Trustee" is now contradicting the Bible and God's servants with another new thought. Please listen to the excerpt from the 2009 Ohio convention:
Bro. Russell, P6 page 93:"Nor are we to think of different calls, but are to remember the declaration of the Apostle (Eph. 4: 4), "Ye are called in one hope of your calling." It is a mistake, therefore, for any to think that they have any choice in this matter" ..."Neither is there a second call during this Gospel age, though, as we have previously seen, there is a second class of saved ones selected during this age—the Great Company (Rev. 7: 9-14)"
Bro. Johnson, E4 page 89: "...We are not to understand that during the Gospel Age God has been calling two classes to salvation; for the record is: "Ye are all called in the one hope of your calling" (Eph. 4: 4); that is, we are not to understand that God has been offering two sets of people two different salvations during the Gospel Age, as inducements for them to serve Him; for such a thing is nowhere taught in the Bible..."
Bro. Jolly, PT 1968 page 77: "...the building up of the Epiphany Camp since 1954, the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, the end of the Youthful Worthy call, etc..."
Bro. Jolly, Question 1971 Eph. 4:4: "...We should not be blown about by winds of false doctrine that contradict the plain teachings of the Scriptures, and that claim without any Scriptural basis that the High Calling and the call to Youthful Worthiship are still open. It is no longer true that “we are called in one hope of our calling”— “the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3: 14). That call or invitation closed forever in 1914, and also the call or invitation for Youthful Worthiship ended forever in 1954, according to the Scriptures (see e.g., Lev. 12; E. 4, pp. 98, 99; P ’58, pp. 91-94; ’59, p. 37)..."
Bro. Hedman: PT 1995 page 86: "...However, we are not to understand that during the Gospel Age (or Church Age) God called two classes to salvation; for the Scripture states, "ye are called in one hope of your calling" (Eph. 4: 4). That is, we are not to understand that God offered two different salvations during the Gospel Age; for such a thing is nowhere taught in the Bible. Rather, there has been only one salvation offered to those who during the Gospel Age would turn from sin to righteousness, from Satan to God and Christ. To all of these God offered as the prize..."