The Symbology Of Our Cover Design
...In the distance is seen the rising of the Sun of righteousness with healing in his wings (Mal. 4: 1, 2), with the river of water of life flowing down the valley to bring healing to the nations (Rev. 22: 1-3). The Kingdom's two phases are pictured by the two mountains (Zech. 14: 4-9; Pa. 72: 3): the loftier one in the background symbolizing the spiritual, invisible Christ, Head and Body, Zion (Rev. 14: 1; Is. 2: 2-4); and the lesser one in the foreground, the earthly, visible phase of the Kingdom, the Ancient Worthies (Luke 13: 28; Heb. 11: 38-40), the highest among whom, being earthly, are less than the least in God's invisible, spiritual Kingdom (Luke 7: 28)
The Soldier of the Cross standing on the only sure foundation, clothed in the whole armor of God (Eph. 6: 13-17), holds up the Bible standard and heralds the message of Christ's Kingdom. He is a youth, fitly symbolizing God's Epiphany elect, not the Ancient Worthies, nor the Christ in Glory (pictured in the two mountains), but those who are developed as such at the end of the Age during the Time of Trouble.
The Time of Trouble didn't begin in 1878... The youth is a part of the "Epiphany's Elect" (E4). They were elected (exclusive to a group - picked out) in the Epiphany, from 1914 onward.
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