PT. 1978, Page 7, C2: "We are glad to see that more and more cleansing from various errors is going on among our brethren in various Truth groups. Many of the 'Jehovah's Witnesses' and others are becoming dissatisfied with the old and new errors of their leaders. Many of these brethren are returning to Bro. Russell's Scripturally proven teachings; other are remaining with these teachings on
the Parousia 40 year Harvest period for the reaping of the Little Flock, from 1874-1914, followed by the Epiphany, or Apocalypse period, the Time of Trouble, during which the Great Company as such come up of the great tribulation, washing their robes in the blood of the Lamb, and during which God has been developing those consecrating between the Ages (Z5761), the Spirit-enlightened, non-Spirit-begotten class (Joel 2: 28,29; see PT 519-a copy free on request). More and more brethren
now accept his teachings relating to the Youthful Worthy class and are coming to see that the High Calling, to Little Flock-ship must by this date surely be finally closed."
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