E5 Pg 135: (57) The sixth slaughter weapon is Revolutionism (Ps. 107: 10, 11); and the Revolutionists are represented by the sixth slaughter-weapon man. Whoever among the consecrated revolts against the Lord's Truth and arrangements given through "that Servant" is represented in the sixth slaughter-weapon man; and whoever among
the consecrated imbibes his errors and supports him in his practices is represented by those slain in the temple. Revolutionism has assumed several forms among Truth people:
setting aside Truth by error and setting aside right arrangements by wrong ones. Both practices are against the Lord's protective ways given through "that Servant."
One of the worst forms of the latter is Clericalism, which has manifested itself in two forms, general and local. General Clericalism has gotten control of the organizations among the Lord's people, and has more or less dominated over the general Church, while local clericalism manifests itself in local elders grasping for power and lording it over the ecclesias. One of our dear Pastor's last warnings was against clericalists, given in the article on "The Hour of Temptation" (Z. 1916, p. 327).
See Also: PT. 1957 Pg. 12; PT. QB Pg. 468 C2; PT. 1960 Pg. 52 C2; PT 1990 Pg. 3 BS 1990 Pg. 4
(The Sixth Slaughter Weapon) still active... See PT. 1969 Pg. 59; E5 Pg. 136