E4. Page. 420
Apparently the Lord made between 1881 and 1914 a reserved list of those consecrators for whom there were no crowns available at the time of their consecration; and when a vacancy occurred, He selected the most available one on the reserved list for that vacancy. Doubtless the Lord considered at least three things in deciding the availability of the candidates: (1) their spirit of faithfulness, (2) their talents for that particular place in the Body for which there was a crown vacant, and (3) their providential situation.
The current Executive Trustee's "present view" is exposed as an error. Reserved List? If there was a class of Youthful Worthies in 1878 or 1881, what was the purpose of having them on a "Reserved List?"
See Reserved List III. Coming soon...
Bro Russell and Bro Johnson both taught all crowns were apportioned by 1878. Also that the first lost crown was in 1881. There was no "reserved list" until such a vacancy existed. Therefore, all new consecrators after Spring 1878 up until FAll 1881 never were on a list to gain a lost crown, for there were none lost in that period according to Bro Johnson's E10 comments. They were simply prospective YW's due to their lack of Spirit Begettal. Once the first crown was lost, the brother or sister of this group who was most qualified became the first person on that list. It really is quite simple.
Thank you for your comment. But, it is not quite as simple as you indicate. The Lord made the reserve list when “there were no crowns available at the time of their consecration” and not “when a vacancy occurred” as you seem to believe. Had there been “new consecrators after Spring 1878 up until FAll 1881” as you say, then the list could be made for them starting in 1878 because vacancies would be coming soon in 1881. Your comment also contradicts Bro. Johnson's very own writings in the same chapter, a mere 49 pages later where he says, “for between Pentecost and 1881, to which time alone his words are limited, all the consecrated were New Creatures.”
Thank you again for your comment. Note: We searched for any reference to “new consecrators after Spring 1878...” but found none. Can you please provide us with that reference?
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