For those who receive The Present Truth (PT) magazine, please read carefully the new Summer 2008 issue article titled “God’s Love for Outcasts”. Like other articles published in the PT, it is a modified, republished version of a previously issued article. The original is “God’s Great Love for Outcasts” from PT July-August 1982 by Editor Bro. Gohlke. While there are many changes throughout this new version, we take note of three that deal with the Youthful Worthies.
In the original article, no consideration is given to 1878 as to their beginning—only from 1881. Yet within the new article, all three changes point to the same references in E4, two now have the 1878 date, and one has the added bonus of a new parenthetical comment. Additions are shown in bold red and deletions indicated in bold green.
- “In Lev. 19:9, 10; 23: 22 God charged the owners of harvest fields (representing our Lord—Matt. 20:1-8) to leave the gleanings for the poor (typing Great Company members, who lost the High Calling riches) and the stranger (typing Spirit-enlightened, non-Spirit-begotten consecrated ones, strangers to the High Calling, Youthful Worthies (E 4, pp. 375-376, pp. 443-445; P ’72, p. 39).”
- “In the antitype, those post-1878, 1881 (F 156, 157) (P 6, pp. 156, 157; E 4 pp. 318, 376) and pre-Oct.-1954 consecrators who recognize that they are Spirit-enlightened, non-Spirit-begotten ones with Youthful Worthy hopes are not…”
- The Youthful Worthies, the antitypical strangers, have in some cases from 1881 to 1914, (there were no Spirit-begettals between 1878 and 1881, thereby providing for Youthful Worthies to be developed; E4, p. 376; E11, p. 95) had the privilege of figuratively fathering—beginning the new life—in the spiritual elect and in some of their own class, and from 1914 to 1954 of doing the same in many more of their own class.
The excessive use of this newly added E4 reference to the existing article is a bit unsettling, since it shows the movement’s fervent attempt to focus readers towards their “present view.”
Should Another Date Be Changed?
More importantly, if there were Youthful Worthies fully consecrating between 1878 and 1881 as they believe, shouldn't they change the date for figuratively fathering other Youthful Worthies to 1878 as well (see change 3 above)? Because, if you believe their view, then it would also be possible for a fully-consecrated Youthful Worthy in 1878 to figuratively father another Youthful Worthy in 1878, 1879, 1880, and for part of 1881 (before the General Call ceased).
But this is not the case, since the Ruth picture simply shows those Tentatively Justified ones on their journey towards full consecration from 1878-1881. Full consecration for non-spirit begotten individuals was only available after the General Call ceased because it was limited to the Elect before that time. This is clearly shown at the end of E4, P. 469: “for between Pentecost and 1881, to which time alone his words are limited, all the consecrated were New Creatures; hence during that time the term New Creature and the term consecrated applied to the same persons and were interchangeable.”
Inadvertently, their parenthetical comment actually supports the cleansed view. They wrote: “for Youthful Worthies to be developed,” which is actually true because these Tentatively Justified ones were developing towards full consecration…which could only happen in 1881.
Bro. Johnson’s writings MUST harmonize, especially if they’re coming from the same book.
Not only E 4, pages 469 gives the thought that from Pentecost to 1881 all consecrations were rewarded with Spirit Begettal. "What St. Paul says in 1 Cor. 2: 14 does not contradict this; for between Pentecost and 1881, to which time alone his words are limited, all the consecrated were New Creatures; hence during that time the term New Creature and the term consecrated applied to the same persons and were interchangeable."
Back up to page 462 in E 4 to question # "(64) Question: Does the fact that some since 1914 have seen the hidden mystery prove that there have since 1914 been Spirit-begettings?"
"Answer: No; for the fact that ever since 1881 the Youthful Worthies have seen the hidden mystery, though not Spirit-begotten, proves that since 1914 the Spirit-begettal is not indispensable to seeing the hidden mystery nor other spiritual things. St. Paul's statement (1 Cor. 2: 14) that only the Spirit-begotten can see spiritual things is not a statement that applies to all times, but only until the general call would cease, i.e., until 1881; for not only do Youthful Worthies since 1881 see spiritual things, and not only some justified ones since 1881 see spiritual things, but in the Millennium not only the Ancient Worthies without Spirit-begettal but also the restitution class will see them, since they will understand everything in the Bible. Hence St. Paul's statement in 1 Cor. 2: 14 does not apply to all times, but is limited in time; and that time limit is 1881; for since that time both Youthful Worthies and some faith-justified ones have seen spiritual things."
Brother Johnson does not change his mind even his later thoughts have the same comment as we look to E 15, page 653. Because it is always the privilege of the consecrated to see the Truth due in their times. St. Paul's words in 1 Cor. 2: 5-16 denying that the unbegotten of the Spirit are able to understand the deep things are limited to the time of the general call, during which to be Spirit-begotten and to be consecrated meant the same thing, hence all the consecrated were then Spirit-begotten, which was not the case before the call to the high calling opened. Hence, after the general call ceased St. Paul's pertinent words do not apply universally. But the rule that applies always is that only the consecrated can see the due Truth. Therefore, the Youthful Worthies do have as a witness of their being friends and servants and prospective sons of God, the due Truth on the deep things.
"Now I exhort you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that all of you should speak in agreement, that there should not be any divisions among you, but that all of you be fitly united in the same way of thinking and in the same line of thought. For it was disclosed to me about you, brothers, by those of Chloe, that dissensions exist within you. What I mean is each one says: 'I belong to Paul,' 'But I belong to Apollos,', 'But I to Cephas,' and 'But I belong to Christ!' The Christ exists divided." - 1 Cor. 1:10-13a.
Ever been disappointed by a label? If everyone who claimed to be "Christian" or "Bible Studnet" really was a student of Jehovah's Word, then the inspired words of Paul would be followed as stated above. We DO NOT belong to Russell or to Rutherford or to Johnson or to Jolly! It was the Lord Jesus Christ who was sacrificed for mankind and all who make up his "congregation". To follow any man or group of men above His leadership and the true worship of Jehovah God is to disown the faith. I believe that is what the LHMM and EHMM are seeing happening here: the house divided against itself is not Christ's! Look out for the wolves in the covering of sheep.
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