The autocratic attitude from the current Executive Trustee and the mob mentality from brethren who support him no longer allow for open, civil communication to prove truth and to seek to harmonize the scriptures. So let this posted information be a witness to Jehovah and to others that many attempts have been made to reach out to these dear brethren.
In E4, p. 291, regarding partisan support, Bro. Johnson states: “The Truth, its arrangements and its Spirit are by it neglected or antagonized whenever this is in the interests of the sect. Their actual, though not verbal motto is: ‘My party—I stand for it, right or wrong.’ Therefore they support their sect and leaders regardless of how wrong they are.”
The following questions have been asked, but never addressed by the Executive Trustee and certain Pilgrims associated with the LHMM.
- How do you harmonize the “present view” of the Youthful Worthies with the writings?
Do not the references by Bro. Russell, Bro. Johnson and Bro. Jolly show 1881 as individuals and 1914 as a class, not 1878 and 1881? As Berean Bible Students, can we harmonize the scriptures--two dates for one event? Does not E5 call this a cleansed truth as of 1954 and that we cannot change cleansed truth? - When are the Youthful Worthies a class?
Are they an Epiphany Class as Bro. Johnson, Bro. Jolly, Bro. Gohlke and Bro. Hedman stated or are they a “Gospel Age Harvest Class” as has been recently stated from the platform? - Who do we serve?
I hope God is the answer and not an organization. Also, calling some in the movement “Former Brethren”, do you now have Jehovah’s ability to determine who has lost their Justification? - At the 2007 Minneapolis Convention, you stated that Bro. Johnson disfellowshipped the Minnesota class when Sr. Norma was a child. Where is your proof?
Why did Bro. Johnson send them Pilgrim service the following summer? Did this indeed happen or were you making this up to justify your attempt to disfellowship the Chicago ecclesia, your involvement in the Keystone Heights (FL), Springfield (MA), and Minneapolis ecclesia’s recent splits. According to the writings, aren’t these acts of clericalism? Would Bro. Johnson have meddled in local class business? - Where is the Biblical proof that you are the Spiritual Leader? Did not the Brethren at the 2004 FL convention vote unanimously with a show of hands to have you take over the duties of Executive Trustee? The paperwork handed out to everyone states nothing about you being the Spiritual leader.
- How many times did the door to the High Calling close?
This was asked at the 2008 Muskegon convention because of the direct comment you made: “The door shut 3 times. Slammed Shut!” It was stated from the platform that the question was deceitful. Why? Please tell us, according to the writings, when did the door to the “High Calling” close—1878, 1881 or 1914? - Does not 2 Cor. 2:14 show that from Pentecost to the General Call being closed (1881) that consecration and Spirit begettal were one in the same?
Does having fully-consecrated non-spirit begotten ones from 1878-81 harmonize with this scripture and our writings? Is it your duty to harmonize these thoughts that contradict your “present view”? - Eph 4:4 – There was only one call during the Gospel Age. When did this call and completion to this call end?
E5, page 502: “the Youthful Worthies were developing as a class, a distinct class, that consecrated after spirit begettal ended in 1914 and from 1914 for the next forty years until 1954. Here we have the Great Company developing as a class and the Youthful Worthies developing as a separate class also,” These references are found over 100 times in the writings. Yet you say “not so.” You seem to ignore their content and existence. - What is the sifting error? Is it the defense of 1881 as individuals and 1914 as a class?
You and your appointees are using names like “sifters and revolutionist” but are failing to identify the error (all distributed information is from the truth writings). In order to have sifters you need a sifting error. Instead, you have used slander and falsehoods. You have dismissed two faithful Brothers and ignored any who ask reasonable questions. You have denied the right hand of fellowship and mistreated faithful brethren. Bro. Russell, Bro. Johnson and Bro. Jolly would go into extensive detail to “prove all things” and to identify the error. - Why have you plagiarized the previous servant’s work by changing thoughts and adding dates without any notation that these were changed thoughts?
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