We continue our discussion of the French interpreted/translated discourse that is now printed in the Winter 2009 PT. And we need to remind our readers that the Executive Trustee translated it back to English and published it as if it is Bro. Johnson's own text. He never mentions that it is two to three steps removed (through two languages) from Bro. Johnson's spoken words in 1933.
The paragraph shown above is the very first paragraph of the French discourse. It includes the title that has his name misspelled (as mentioned in our last post). The two highlighted areas are the dates that this UNKNOWN sister listed as the dates in the antitype for Ruth 1 and 2. THESE DATES ARE INCORRECT. In the original Ruth article that Bro. Johnson wrote in English just two months earlier, the correct dates are 1844 to 1881 for Ruth 1 and 1881 to 1916 for Ruth 2 (see PT June, 1933, page 84). The correct dates are also shown in E4 on page 376, published in 1938.
In the Winter 2009 PT, these errors are still in the translated document. This leaves the Executive Trustee with a dilemma. Had he fixed them, we would have caught this additional lie...beyond the fact that he did not indicate the questionable source. But by leaving them in the document, he now has to either correct them in a future PT and admit there are serious errors, or he has to come up with a "present view" to suggest that Bro. Johnson had two views on the antitypical dates for Ruth 1 and 2.
More to follow. As in the last post, we’ve made available a PDF of the original 31-page French work. Please click here to download.
This is the second time the current executive trustee has tried to use second hand information such as short hand notes as being authentic work from Bro. Johnson. See 2005 PT. Pages, 54-58
Editorial Integrity is common practice in the publishing world. Companies that publish issue "Codes of Ethics". Below is one company's commitment to its readers:
Our Commitments to You :
1. We will never knowingly publish inaccurate information. We commit to verifying the accuracy of any information we publish as best our resources allow. If we learn that we have published inaccurate information, we will correct it according to our corrections policy, as outlined below.
2. We will correct errors. We commit to correcting factual errors — and clarifying information that is open to misinterpretation — in a timely manner.
3. We will, etc... Bro. Johnson had Editorial Integrity. You will find it in many places. Here are a few:
See E5 Page 43.
BS Question Book Page 31 Bible—Private Interpretation Of The Scriptures.
PT June 1919 Whole Number 7
The current editor of the Present Truth magazine has again published inaccurate information. If he had verified the accuracy of his recent article trying to prove his "present view", he would have found factual errors since it doesn't match with Bro. Johnson's earlier (June 1933) or later article on this very subject. He has really shot himself in the foot trying to pawn this off as being authentic work from Bro. Johnson.
I would like to see what is published in the PT Dec. 2009 winter issue. I wonder where I can get the article?
I checked all references given on this web site and they are accurate. I also compared it to E-4 and PT 1933. I also read the French letter, the pdf file. I had some French in school, I can remember enough to let me get the jist of the letter.This should get a few eyes opened.
Thankyou for exposing these errors. Keep up the good work.
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