Part of page 6 is the reason the Executive Trustee translated the discourse from French to English and printed it as if it was Bro. Johnson’s own words:
“Therefore, chronologically speaking, we can divide the Youthful Worthies into 3 groups: the first from 1878 to 1881; the second from 1881 to 1914 when there were many more consecrated ones than crowns and, the third: those who consecrated after 1914. All who became consecrated from 1878 to 1881 were Youthful Worthies because no crown fell from 1878 to 1881. The surplus of consecrated ones from 1881 to 1914 also became Youthful Worthies, and all those who consecrated, from 1914 until now, were also Youthful Worthies. Therefore, there are three groups of Youthful Worthies, and Ruth represents all the Youthful Worthies. From 1878 to 1881, she represents the first group; from 1881 to 1914, she represents the second group; and from 1914, she represents all those who became consecrated from this time onward.”
An interpretation to one language and then back should never be used in lieu of someone's own work. Yet, if we look through the text, it actually shows Bro. Johnson’s view and not the Executive Trustee’s changed view. The sister interpreted that the YWs can be divided into 3 groups, a term Bro. Johnson NEVER used in English. She does use his word class to define the three women, so group is more focused and is used to show a change of condition within the YWs. The first group is the 1878-1881 journey of the tentatively-justified Ruth class who became fully consecrated YWs in 1881, the second group is the surplus consecrators or individuals from 1881-1914, and the third group is all who consecrated after 1914 during the 40-year YW call.
How do we know this? Bro. Johnson shows two of the three conditions a few years later in PT April 1938, page 56 , "for the Youthful Worthies as individuals, from Oct., 1881, onward to Sept. 16, 1914, and as a class from Sept. 16, 1914." And we know from E4, page 469 (the very book where the Executive Trustee "found" his view) that all the consecrated until 1881 were Spirit begotten. That helps us understand the condition of the first group, which is the whole idea of the Ruth 1 picture...her journey to full consecration. Even the French document on pages 5-6 shows her full consecration at Ruth 1:16-17, near the end of the journey. Since the French-speaking brethren do not have E4, E15 offers them a competent translation and clearly shows the limit of 1881.
E15 Christ—Spirit—Covenants, p. 419: “Since the unconsecrated as the unbegotten cannot perceive, reason out and remember spiritual things (1 Cor. 2: 8, 9, 11, 14) and the Spirit-begotten man can (John 3: 3; 1 Cor. 2: 10-13, 15, 16), these powers must have been implanted into the mental brain organs by the begettal of the Spirit, which always until 1878 followed a true consecration. This rule was without exception until the general call ceased; the rule now does not apply against Youthful Worthies, who as consecrated ones understand spiritual things. Without the begettal the best of humans cannot desire spiritual as distinct from human things. This St. Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 2: 9, when he says that the spiritual things that God has prepared for those that love Him [the called according to His purpose (Rom. 8: 28) ] have not entered into the hearts [desires, affections] of the unbegotten; for during the general call to the High calling all the consecrated were Spirit-begotten.”
E15 Christ-L'Esprit-Les Alliance, 369-370: “Puisque les non-consacrés, comme les non-engendrés ne peuvent pas percevoir, raisonner et se rappeler des choses spirituelles (1 Cor. 2 : 8, 9, 11, 14) et que l'homme engendré de l'Esprit le peut (Jean 3 : 3; 1 Cor. 2: 10-13,15, 16), ces pouvoirs ont dû être implantés dans les organes cérébraux mentaux par l'engendrement de l'Esprit qui, jusqu'en 1878, suivait toujours une vraie consécration. Cette règle fut sans exception jusqu'à ce que cessât l'appel général ; la règle ne s'applique pas maintenant contre les Jeunes Dignes qui, en tant que consacrés, comprennent des choses spirituelles. Sans l'engendrement, le meilleur des êtres humains ne peut desirer des choses spirituelles distinctes des choses humaines. St. Paul nous le dit en 1 Cor. 2 : 9, quand il déclare que les choses spirituelles que Dieu a préparées pour ceux qui L'aiment, [ceux qui sont appelés selon son propos (Rom. 8 : 28)] ne sont pas entrées dans les coeurs [les désirs, les affections] des non-engendrés ; car durant l'appel general pour le Haut-Appel, tous les consacrés furent engendrés de l'Esprit.”
As before, we’ve made available a PDF of the original 31-page French work. Please click here to download.
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