"(29) In the Parousia reaping period (1874-1914), in the Epiphany, or Apocalypse, period in its restricted, 40-year sense (1914-1954) and ever since 1954 in its wider sense, in the lapping beginning of the Basileia (Kingdom) period, many have blessed others with the Parousia Truth, the Parousia and Epiphany Truth or whatever measure of Truth they have inside or outside of Babylon, at least sufficient to enable them to bring others into tentative justification. In these periods, these servants of God have, by the measure of such Truth as they possessed, figuratively fathered many who by repentance and faith in Jesus as Savior have become tentatively justified, and who make full consecrations in the post-Sept. 16, 1954 Epiphany period and so become Consecrated Epiphany Campers. By causing others through the Word to become tentatively justified,
these servants have figuratively fathered such into partial consecrations, consecrations to righteousness (comp. F 124, 125).
These consecrations are not to be confused with full consecrations, which in the Gospel-Age proper made full consecrators into Spirit-begotten new creatures and which
since 1881 additionally have made many others into Spirit-enlightened, non-Spirit-begotten fully consecrated ones." PT. 1977 Pages. 90-91