Especially for the benefit of new readers,
we will repeat here one of the clear, at least seven-times-published enumerations of the classes in the Epiphany Camp in its present, unfinished state: "As in the unfinished Epiphany Court,
as it existed from 1914 to 1954, there were three classes—(1) the Great Company, a Spirit-begotten class, (2)
the Youthful Worthies, a consecrated and Spirit-enlightened but not Spirit-begotten class, and (3) the unconsecrated tentatively justified—so in the unfinished Epiphany Camp, as it exists from [Oct.] 1954 onward, there are three classes—(1) the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, a consecrated and Spirit-enlightened but not Spirit-begotten class, a non-Levite class [but typed by the Nethinim, who were the appointed assistants to the Levites—Ezra 8: 17, 20; 2; 7: 7, 24; Neh. 3: 26, 31; 7; 10: 28; 11: 3, 21; P '71, pp. 37-42; '72, pp. 12-15, 75; '73, pp. 29, 30; '78, p. 55], (2) the unconsecrated tentatively justified and (3) the unjustified, nominal people of God" (P '75, p. 13; comp. P '63, pp. 77, 78).