Question ─ What were the latest thoughts of Bro. Johnson's on the beginning of the Youthful Worthies as individuals and as a class? What should be The Present Truth position on these later thoughts be?
Answer ─ P.T. 1947, p. 51
The Youthful Worthies as individuals have been developing since in 1881 the general call ceased, and as a class since the last Little Flock member was won in 1914.
PT 1949- page 156, col. 1
Another wonderful happening of these past years is the many consecrators who are given the privilege of Youthful Worthiship. While there were Youthful Worthies from 1881 to 1914, . . . Grandly is this class coming to the front; and its members give evidence of acceptableness to the Lord as Youthful Worthies.
E-5 Page 42 Par. 40
(40) "The Present Truth and Herald of Christ's Epiphany stands squarely and sincerely for the Parousia Truth, as basic for all further development of the Truth. Thus it heartily embraces the system of Truth which is presented in the writings of our beloved Pastor, as well as holds to its principles and spirit. Whenever he gives two or more harmonious views of a Scriptural passage or doctrine, we accept all; whenever, as in a few instances in the great system of Truth which he presented, these cannot be harmonized, we accept the latest expressions, unless they are manifestly not so harmonious with the Scriptures, Reason and Facts as earlier ones. In all cases of unfulfilled types and prophecies we hold to his thought as the one along whose lines we look for their fulfillments. And as he in many cases rejected a former interpretation of a type or prophecy after its fulfillment proved that he misunderstood it, e.g., the deliverance of the Church, the restoration of Israel, the [complete] destruction of organized evil in the world and the establishment of the earthly phase of God's kingdom at certain times; so only after a type or prophecy is fulfilled differently from his understanding of it, would we attempt to set aside his interpretation in favor of what the fulfillment of the type or prophecy proves to be its proper interpretation. Thus it will be seen that we honor him as God's appointed channel for the Parousia Truth [and for giving the foundations of the Epiphany Truth]; but like him do not believe him to have been infallible, and therefore make only changes as in principle he made; i.e., such as clear fulfillments force us to make. All sober and non-partisan brethren and friends of his will agree to the propriety of this course. It was his own method under such circumstances, and we follow it.
Bro. Johnson E-Volume 5 Page 43
"The Present Truth Will endeavor to subject all its teachings to the Word, on the basis of the Parousia Truth, in harmony with the seven axioms of Biblical interpretation. Every Scriptural passage or doctrine must be interpreted harmoniously, (1) with itself, (2) with all Scriptures, (3) with all Scriptural Doctrines, (4) With God's Character, (5) with the Ransom and Sin-offerings, (6) with Facts and (7) with the purposes of the Bible, and will reject everything contrary to any of these axioms."