Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Use of Bracketed Comments

PT. 1971 Pg. 62-63

Question: Was Bro. Johnson dishonest and using trickery when he frequently quoted from Bro. Russell and insert his own explanations and comments in brackets, as he did repeatedly in E 4, Chapter 1, and elsewhere?

Answer: Surely not! It is quite customary for one to quote another's writing and put his own comments in brackets... The very fact that they are inserted in brackets indicates, generally speaking, that they are not a part of the original text quoted.

...a bracketed ellipsis [...] is often used to indicate deleted material; bracketed comments indicate when original text has been modified for clarity...

Wouldn't the opposite thought apply if brackets weren't used? i.e. 2004 PT Quasi-Elect and others articles?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Permanent Marker Series: E4, Page 39

(Click the above image for best quality.)
Here is another page that must be updated to harmonize E4 with the "present view" existence of the Youthful Worthies. Page 39 is not easy to modify towards that view because it clearly indicates the date when they are revealed AS A CLASS (a change of condition, not just appearance). Bro. Johnson applies this same usage at the end of the page to show when Rutherford could become "that evil servant" and on other pages to show the Great Company's existence (see p.167 and the references in the manifested destiny post).

So, in order for it to work for the Executive Trustee, we have to apply Bro. Johnson's usage to the new class date of 1881 and then use the incorrect, appearance-only meaning in 1914. It makes a mess of the page, but this is one way to make it work. Note that we then had to fix the similar usage at the bottom of the page to have it match in meaning.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Permanent Marker Series: E4, Page 23

(Click the above image for best quality.)
Here is another edit of a page in E4 so that it harmonizes with the Executive Trustee's confusion of three Ruth picture sentences in the same book.

Page 18 describes the Parousia work and sets up the Epiphany activity we see here on page 23. While our modification seems rather simple, it is quite a change of meaning. Instead of the Epiphany being THE time for the Youthful Worthies to develop for the Kingdom, it can only be a continuation of that activity if they were already being CALLED TO THIS CLASS in 1881.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Permanent Marker Series: E4, Page 18

(Click the above image for best quality.)
We continue our series in modifying the pages in E4 so that they harmonize with the Executive Trustee's confusion of the three Ruth picture sentences in the same book.

Here on page 18, Bro. Johnson is laying the groundwork for the Epiphany work described on page 23--showing that in the first stage of our Lord's Return, the Parousia, He is especially active in two things. Well, pardon us for being picky, but the call of the Youthful Worthies is a big event. Now that the Executive Trustee has moved their development as a class to the Parousia time period (even to the point of modifying the Chart of the Ages), they must be added to this list of important Parousia activities. We inserted them at position 2, since their development is an activity that is probably higher than the preparation for the Great Tribulation.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Permanent Marker Series: E4, Foreword p.iii

(Click the above image for best quality.)
This is the first in a series of posts where we modify a page in E4 so that it harmonizes with the Executive Trustee's misunderstanding of the 3 lines on pages 375-376. Once we gave the Youthful Worthies the Executive Trustee's supplied name, we were forced to also edit the position of the Great Company. They cannot be the first of the Epiphany's elect classes if there is not a second Epiphany's elect class.

Note: We like very much and prefer the suggestion from Thornbush to cut a hole through the E4 book cover to get to Bro. Johnson's clear meaning as found on this page (in its original form). See previous post comment.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ready-made E4 cover for "present view" believers!

Because Bro. Johnson's title for E4, The Epiphany's Elect no longer applies to one of its two classes, we thought we would supply a new one that can be printed out and placed over the original.

We much prefer the original title because both subjects of the book, the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies, become classes in the Epiphany.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Full Consecration Until 1881 Includes What?

PT December 1926, page 179: "The possession of this spirit of Love, the spirit of the Truth, is an evidence that the possessor has been begotten of God and is a child of God; and that if faithful to his Lord and Head, even unto the end, he will by and by be made a joint-heir in His Kingdom. The possession of this spirit on the part of those who believe in the Lord Jesus as their Redeemer constitutes therefore, as the Apostle says, the seal of their adoption into God's family—"whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption [deliverance]" (Eph. 4: 30). The absence of this unction or anointing, prior to 1881, even though accompanied with some knowledge of the Truth, was an evidence that the heart was not fully consecrated to the Lord ; the will not fully resigned to His will and Word."

There could be NO fully consecrated Youthful Worthies until the end of the General Call in 1881.