Sunday, December 27, 2009

French Correction, Final Part

Because of errors and changes thru interpretation and translations, it is obvious that the French document should not have been published or presented as Bro. Johnson’s own words in the Winter 2009 PT. It introduces many problems for the Executive Trustee and it doesn’t even prove his “present view” on the Youthful Worthies. Yet, in the end, the real issue is not this lapse in judgment or the use of the faulty article. The real issue is the Executive Trustee’s misread of the 3 sentences in E4, pages 375-376:

  • “…and brought back with them a faithful class of unbegotten consecrated ones from 1878 on.”
  • “…coming back into present Truth, and bringing unbegotten consecrated ones with them from 1878 to 1881.”
  • “…for the Ruth class consecrating and coming into the Truth between 1878 and 1881.”

The instant you accept his view that they show unbegotten consecrated ones existing in 1878, 79, 80 or the first part of 81, then you also have to accept that Bro. Johnson was confused and contradicted himself WITHIN HIS OWN BOOK. Were all the consecrated from Pentecost to 1881 Spirit-begotten as he says on p.469? Could the deep things be seen only by New Creatures until 1881 on pages 440 & 462? Doesn’t the title of the book apply to both of its subjects? These are just a few examples of the problems introduced. We don’t know why the brethren would believe this of Bro. Johnson when the sentences are easily harmonized.

For historical events, we often use the current (perfected) condition of someone in the event before it is achieved because that condition is known and common to us. If asked about when you met your spouse, your response is always the first day you were introduced, not the day of your wedding. If a history professor tells his students that a distant trading company brought back with it new colonists from 1478 to 1481, it does not mean they were actual colonists when they left in 1478.

Bro. Johnson, like a good professor, is telling us this journey from the point of completion. The destination condition is our common understanding of both Naomi and Ruth. For the first sentence, he says Naomi BROUGHT BACK Ruth starting the journey in 1878. For the second, he says that Naomi was COMING BACK into the Truth and then shows the entire journey length for bringing back Ruth. The third sentence is very easy--it shows the 3 ½ year journey of consecrating and COMING INTO the Truth. In the end, either these 3 sentences work with the rest of the book, or you have to conclude that Bro. Johnson could not write a book. You choose.

For the last time, we make available a PDF of the original 31-page French work. Please click here to download.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

French Correction, Part 4

Part of page 6 is the reason the Executive Trustee translated the discourse from French to English and printed it as if it was Bro. Johnson’s own words:
“Therefore, chronologically speaking, we can divide the Youthful Worthies into 3 groups: the first from 1878 to 1881; the second from 1881 to 1914 when there were many more consecrated ones than crowns and, the third: those who consecrated after 1914. All who became consecrated from 1878 to 1881 were Youthful Worthies because no crown fell from 1878 to 1881. The surplus of consecrated ones from 1881 to 1914 also became Youthful Worthies, and all those who consecrated, from 1914 until now, were also Youthful Worthies. Therefore, there are three groups of Youthful Worthies, and Ruth represents all the Youthful Worthies. From 1878 to 1881, she represents the first group; from 1881 to 1914, she represents the second group; and from 1914, she represents all those who became consecrated from this time onward.”

An interpretation to one language and then back should never be used in lieu of someone's own work. Yet, if we look through the text, it actually shows Bro. Johnson’s view and not the Executive Trustee’s changed view. The sister interpreted that the YWs can be divided into 3 groups, a term Bro. Johnson NEVER used in English. She does use his word class to define the three women, so group is more focused and is used to show a change of condition within the YWs. The first group is the 1878-1881 journey of the tentatively-justified Ruth class who became fully consecrated YWs in 1881, the second group is the surplus consecrators or individuals from 1881-1914, and the third group is all who consecrated after 1914 during the 40-year YW call.

How do we know this?
Bro. Johnson shows two of the three conditions a few years later in PT April 1938, page 56 , "for the Youthful Worthies as individuals, from Oct., 1881, onward to Sept. 16, 1914, and as a class from Sept. 16, 1914." And we know from E4, page 469 (the very book where the Executive Trustee "found" his view) that all the consecrated until 1881 were Spirit begotten. That helps us understand the condition of the first group, which is the whole idea of the Ruth 1 picture...her journey to full consecration. Even the French document on pages 5-6 shows her full consecration at Ruth 1:16-17, near the end of the journey. Since the French-speaking brethren do not have E4, E15 offers them a competent translation and clearly shows the limit of 1881.

E15 Christ—Spirit—Covenants, p. 419: “Since the unconsecrated as the unbegotten cannot perceive, reason out and remember spiritual things (1 Cor. 2: 8, 9, 11, 14) and the Spirit-begotten man can (John 3: 3; 1 Cor. 2: 10-13, 15, 16), these powers must have been implanted into the mental brain organs by the begettal of the Spirit, which always until 1878 followed a true consecration. This rule was without exception until the general call ceased; the rule now does not apply against Youthful Worthies, who as consecrated ones understand spiritual things. Without the begettal the best of humans cannot desire spiritual as distinct from human things. This St. Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 2: 9, when he says that the spiritual things that God has prepared for those that love Him [the called according to His purpose (Rom. 8: 28) ] have not entered into the hearts [desires, affections] of the unbegotten; for during the general call to the High calling all the consecrated were Spirit-begotten.”

E15 Christ-L'Esprit-Les Alliance, 369-370: “Puisque les non-consacrés, comme les non-engendrés ne peuvent pas percevoir, raisonner et se rappeler des choses spirituelles (1 Cor. 2 : 8, 9, 11, 14) et que l'homme engendré de l'Esprit le peut (Jean 3 : 3; 1 Cor. 2: 10-13,15, 16), ces pouvoirs ont dû être implantés dans les organes cérébraux mentaux par l'engendrement de l'Esprit qui, jusqu'en 1878, suivait toujours une vraie consécration. Cette règle fut sans exception jusqu'à ce que cessât l'appel général ; la règle ne s'applique pas maintenant contre les Jeunes Dignes qui, en tant que consacrés, comprennent des choses spirituelles. Sans l'engendrement, le meilleur des êtres humains ne peut desirer des choses spirituelles distinctes des choses humaines. St. Paul nous le dit en 1 Cor. 2 : 9, quand il déclare que les choses spirituelles que Dieu a préparées pour ceux qui L'aiment, [ceux qui sont appelés selon son propos (Rom. 8 : 28)] ne sont pas entrées dans les coeurs [les désirs, les affections] des non-engendrés ; car durant l'appel general pour le Haut-Appel, tous les consacrés furent engendrés de l'Esprit.”

As before, we’ve made available a PDF of the original 31-page French work. Please click here to download.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

French Correction, Part 3

We continue our discussion of the French interpreted/translated discourse that is now printed in the Winter 2009 PT. And we need to remind our readers that the Executive Trustee translated it back to English and published it as if it is Bro. Johnson's own text. He never mentions that it is two to three steps removed (through two languages) from Bro. Johnson's spoken words in 1933.

The paragraph shown above is the very first paragraph of the French discourse. It includes the title that has his name misspelled (as mentioned in our last post). The two highlighted areas are the dates that this UNKNOWN sister listed as the dates in the antitype for Ruth 1 and 2. THESE DATES ARE INCORRECT. In the original Ruth article that Bro. Johnson wrote in English just two months earlier, the correct dates are 1844 to 1881 for Ruth 1 and 1881 to 1916 for Ruth 2 (see PT June, 1933, page 84). The correct dates are also shown in E4 on page 376, published in 1938.

In the Winter 2009 PT, these errors are still in the translated document. This leaves the Executive Trustee with a dilemma. Had he fixed them, we would have caught this additional lie...beyond the fact that he did not indicate the questionable source. But by leaving them in the document, he now has to either correct them in a future PT and admit there are serious errors, or he has to come up with a "present view" to suggest that Bro. Johnson had two views on the antitypical dates for Ruth 1 and 2.

More to follow. As in the last post, we’ve made available a PDF of the original 31-page French work. Please click here to download.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

French Correction, Part 2

In the summer of 2009, an appointee of the movement from the United States served in several European countries. During his time in France, the French representative gave him a copy of a three-part discourse given by Bro. Johnson in Monceau Sur Sambre, Belgium on August 8, 1933. This French language document was brought back for the Executive Trustee, translated into English and is now published in the Winter 2009 PT.

Apparently, the Executive Trustee feels that this discourse supports his “present view” on the dates of the Youthful Worthies and wants to use it as a proof. Yet, it is filled with obvious errors, does not actually prove his view, and its source is not presented truthfully in the PT. (Note: We initially dealt with this matter in reference to the French representative’s use of a couple of sentences in the Spring 2007 PT. See the original French Correction post in 2008.)

Error in Translation: A Poor Game of Telephone
The printed discourse came about due to the excellent efforts of an unknown French-speaking sister who, most likely, took shorthand notes while Bro. Johnson spoke at a podium. Later, these notes were typed into the final 31-page French text document. The potential for error to creep into her work is very high and we can easily show this from the very title of the discourse. It translates to: DISCOURSE INTERPRETED FROM BROTHER JONSHON AT MONCEAU SUR SAMBRE THE 8th AUGUST 1933.

His last name is incorrectly spelled as “JONSHON.” She did it the way it sounded to her in French. So, if his own name is inaccurate, what should that tell us about the rest of the document? We certainly don’t fault the efforts of this unknown sister, but it is rather shocking that the Executive Trustee would translate it back to English and present it as Brother Johnson’s own words. Nowhere in the Winter PT 2009 does he mention that the discourse is a recent translation of a very old French-language interpretation/translation of uncertain quality. And it is several steps removed from Bro. Johnson’s spoken words. Certainly, this is poor judgment on the part of the Executive Trustee and the appointee who brought it to him.

What are some significant errors in the document? What is different in the original as compared to Bro. Johnson’s actual work? Stay tuned for more in the next couple of posts. Also, we’ve made available a PDF of the original 31-page French work. Please click here to download.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Letters of General Interest - Auxiliary Pilgrim , Jamaica, WI

PT. 1960 pg. 79 C-1

...I was forced nearly forty years ago to make a choice between Bro. Russell and Judge Rutherford, and I chose Bro. Russell. In recent years I again had to choose between the two Laodicean Star members and the two would-be leaders from among the Youthful Worthies, and I have chosen the Star-members. Strange it is, in view of the siftings' multitudinous charges against you, that all the advancing Truth you have published up to now is in harmony with, based upon, and flows out of what we have already learned. Continue along this line, dear Brother, and all will be well - you shall have my full support. When I withdraw my support from you will be when you stray from or contradict the writings of God's two special Messengers.

One must wonder if this brother would have supported the "present view" since it is not in harmony with, based upon or flows out of what we have already learned. You will notice that this brother supported Bro. Jolly because he didn't stray from or contradict the writings of God's two special messengers.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Harvest Parallels

PT Feb. 1936, Page 28 (see also PT Feb. 1933, Page 22):
But in addition to the dispensations' parallels we have many other parallels in the Bible, e.g., the 2520 years' parallels, and also others, as shown in the Edgar chronology charts of the Berean Manual, page 12. To these many other parallels belong also the harvest parallels, from 29 to 69 A.D. and from 1874 to 1914, respectively...The facts as given in the Gospels and the Book of Acts show that these two sets of acts are in their five divisions 1845 years apart, which proves that the harvest parallels, as well as the dispensations' parallels, are 1845 years apart. The following tables show this of both sets of acts:

Jesus, the Apostles, etc., in the first invitation call Israelites alone, Oct. 29 A.D. to June 36 A.D.

Jesus, Bro. Russell, etc., in the first invitation call church members, exclusively, Oct. 1874 to June, 1881.

With the current Executive Trustee's change to the date of the call of the Youthful Worthies (now 1878), apparently the first invitation call was not an exclusive event for church members.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Who does the Youth on the Rock Represent?

See 1952 Bible Standard Whole # 190 Page 2

The Symbology Of Our Cover Design

...In the distance is seen the rising of the Sun of righteousness with healing in his wings (Mal. 4: 1, 2), with the river of water of life flowing down the valley to bring healing to the nations (Rev. 22: 1-3). The Kingdom's two phases are pictured by the two mountains (Zech. 14: 4-9; Pa. 72: 3): the loftier one in the background symbolizing the spiritual, invisible Christ, Head and Body, Zion (Rev. 14: 1; Is. 2: 2-4); and the lesser one in the foreground, the earthly, visible phase of the Kingdom, the Ancient Worthies (Luke 13: 28; Heb. 11: 38-40), the highest among whom, being earthly, are less than the least in God's invisible, spiritual Kingdom (Luke 7: 28)

The Soldier of the Cross standing on the only sure foundation, clothed in the whole armor of God (Eph. 6: 13-17), holds up the Bible standard and heralds the message of Christ's Kingdom. He is a youth, fitly symbolizing God's Epiphany elect, not the Ancient Worthies, nor the Christ in Glory (pictured in the two mountains), but those who are developed as such at the end of the Age during the Time of Trouble.

The Time of Trouble didn't begin in 1878... The youth is a part of the "Epiphany's Elect" (E4). They were elected (exclusive to a group - picked out) in the Epiphany, from 1914 onward.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Welcome to the Business Office

Instead of giving us the Youthful Worthy debacle, Revolutionism through date changes, and acts of Clericalism and Sectarianism toward local classes, the brethren would like the current Executive Trustee to do what we voted him to do...uphold and preserve the Truth given by God's servants.

Please see PT Question Book Pages 314 - 322. The position of Executive Trustee is purely a business office only.

Did Brother Jolly's election as Executive Trustee of the LHMM confer on him any powers aside from those of a business office - such as pastor, teacher, interpreter, pilgrim, etc.? Answer: No

Are there any Scriptural indications that the leader of the good Levites is likewise the leader of the Great Company as a whole? Answer: Yes, There are several...

Is the Executive Trustee of the LHMM as such authorized to bring forth advancing Truth? Answer: NO

Bro. Jolly, Is there any difference between your offices as the Lord's executive and as Executive Trustee of the LHMM.? Answer: Yes. ...As seen above, the office of the Executive Trustee of the LHMM is a much lower office, being merely a business office, to which we were elected by the brethren.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Are they considered Little Flock or Youthful Worthies before 1914?

Consecration—Before 1914 Are They Little Flock or Youthful Worthies?

Question (1945)—Aside from rare cases, can one who consecrated before Oct., 1914, assuredly determine whether he is a new creature or a Youthful Worthy?

Answer.—Apart from rare cases, e.g., the seventy Parousia pilgrims, who by their office as pilgrims had the assurance that they must be new creatures, otherwise the Lord would not have made them general teachers in the Church, and perhaps, for a similar reason, the Parousia auxiliary pilgrims were entitled to the same assurance, there are many cases where this could be determined, i.e., by the exclusive witness of the Spirit of Begettal, emphatic heavenly aspirations...

These witnesses those who are not adept in self-knowledge and in the knowledge of the witnesses are very liable to misread, some concluding that they, though Youthful Worthies, are new creatures, and some concluding that they, though new creatures, are Youthful Worthies. Hence one should exercise great care and sobriety, watchfulness and prayer as to determining this matter as to himself. As for others determining this of their brethren, we would say the following: Since such cannot understand this matter except in rare cases, such as were pointed out above, each one should accept all consecrating by Oct., 1914, as new creatures, and wait upon the Lord to make clear in each case who is a new creature and who is a Youthful Worthy, which we expect may be made clear before the Epiphany ends. ’45-48; ’51-24

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Spiritual Leader? Where Stated? March 12, 2004

In the General Convention minutes, you will notice nothing stated about the Executive Trustee being a "Spiritual Leader". Those who attended voted unanimously for this brother to hold this office, strictly for business only. See PT 2004, pages 19 and 20:

Minutes of the Florida Convention Business Meeting March 12, 2004

BE IT RESOLVED by this General Convention of the Laymen's Home Missionary Movement held in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, on March 12, 2004 with all delegates thereto in convention assembled, that, due to the demise of Pastor Bernard W. Hedman while acting as Executive Trustee of the L.H.M.M., Pastor Ralph M. Herzig, of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, be appointed as Pastor Bernard W. Hedman's successor as Executive Trustee of the L.H.M.M., with the following powers:

(1) To continue, manage and conduct in the name and on behalf of said L.H.M.M., its business and affairs, as he may deem to be appropriate, requisite or advisable to be done or performed;

(2) To receive, hold in charge and expend, for the objects and purposes of said L.H.M.M., any and all monies and other assets thereof;

(3) To borrow from time to time on behalf of and for the purposes of said L.H.M.M., any sums of money he may deem advisable upon the monies or other assets of said L.H.M.M., including its real estate;

(4) To invest or reinvest any monies, assets or property of said L.H.M.M. as he may deem advisable and proper;

(5) For and in the name of said L.H.M.M., to buy, sell and convey real estate in fee simple to any person or persons and for such sum or sums as he shall deem proper, without any liability on the part of the purchaser to see to the disposition of the purchase money, and further with power to mortgage the whole or any part of any real estate owned or subsequently acquired by said L.H.M.M.

(6) To grant, bargain and sell any messuages, tenements, hereditaments and real estate whatsoever, or any part or parcel thereof, for any sum or price as to him shall seem proper;

(7) To manage all lands, messuages, tenements or hereditaments freehold or leasehold or otherwise, owned and/or occupied by said L.H.M.M.;

(8) To enter into, accept, terminate and vary leases or tenancies thereof; and

(9) To grant, accept, terminate and vary leases and tenancies thereof, and to demand and receive all rents due or to become due to said L.H.M.M. from any person, persons, partnership or corporation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Pastor Ralph M. Herzig shall have the power to designate an attorney, agent or representative, with full power to do everything requisite and necessary in furtherance of the L.H.M.M.'s activities, and with full power of substitution and revocation in such duties or actions as Pastor Ralph M. Herzig shall deem necessary; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Pastor Ralph M. Herzig shall have the power to delegate certain of his duties to such person or persons as he may designate; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, for effectually removing any possible doubt which may arise as to the true meaning or as to the construction or application of the powers aforementioned, that the L.H.M.M. hereby declares that the same are intended to extend and shall in all cases extend to any other matters or transactions not previously mentioned or defined which in the course of the general business of said L.H.M.M. as aforesaid may by Pastor Ralph M. Herzig be deemed to be requisite or advisable to be done or performed.


WHEREAS, Ralph M. Herzig, the incumbent Executive Trustee of the L.H.M.M. does not deem it advisable at the present time to propose anyone to be duly elected to succeed him as Executive Trustee of the L.H.M.M. at the time of his demise, and

WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to make a provision for the temporary carrying on of the normal functions of the L.H.M.M. without interruption in the event of said incumbent Executive Trustee's demise at a time when no succeeding Executive Trustee of the

L.H.M.M. shall have yet been duly elected and is then capable of serving in that capacity,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Pastor Ralph M. Herzig shall have the power, and is hereby invested so to do, to designate in writing, a Pilgrim or an Auxiliary Pilgrim of the L.H.M.M. to act as Temporary Executive Trustee with the powers hereinafter enumerated until a succeeding Executive Trustee of the L.H.M.M. is duly elected, and qualified, and it is

FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ralph M. Herzig shall have the power and is hereby invested so to do, to designate in writing, a Pilgrim or an Auxiliary Pilgrim of the L.H.M.M. to act as alternate Temporary Executive Trustee with the same powers as the Temporary Executive Trustee in the event that the person designated as Temporary Executive Trustee is unable or incapable of acting as Temporary Executive Trustee for any reason whatsoever, and it is

FURTHER RESOLVED that the following shall be the powers and duties of the Temporary Executive Trustee:

FIRST: To announce the death of the incumbent Executive Trustee and to assist his family to arrange for his funeral.

SECOND: To arrange for the election of a succeeding Executive Trustee, which election shall take place within four months from the date of the death of the incumbent Executive Trustee, and which election shall be held either at:

(a) A special business meeting called for the purpose of electing a succeeding Executive Trustee at a general convention which had already been scheduled before the demise of the incumbent Executive Trustee, if in the opinion of the Temporary Executive Trustee there is adequate time to provide for an election at such general convention.

(b) A special business meeting of a special general convention called and arranged for by the Temporary Executive Trustee.

THIRD: In the interim between the demise of the incumbent Executive Trustee and the election of a succeeding Executive Trustee, the Temporary Executive Trustee shall exercise all the necessary powers to carry on the work of the L.H.M.M. without interruption; provided, however, that the expenditures of money by the Temporary Executive Trustee shall not exceed $150,000.00.

FOURTH: That otherwise the powers of the Temporary Executive Trustee shall be the same as the powers as those of the Executive Trustee as enumerated under paragraphs (1) through (9) above and the three additional resolutions immediately following paragraph (9) above.

Spiritual Leader? Where stated in Polish?

See PT 2004 Pages, 19 and 20

Minutes of the Florida Convention Business Meeting March 12, 2004

12 MARCA 2004 R.

ZE WZGLĘDU NA śmierć Bernarda W. Hedmana dnia 30 stycznia 2004 r. zostało zwołane Zebranie Gospodarcze na konwencji w Jacksonville we Florydzie w dniu 12 marca 2004 r. o godz. 3:00 po południu celem wybrania nowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego Świeckiego Ruchu Misyjnego Epifania. Przewodniczącym tego zebrania był br. Leon Snyder z Grand Rapids w Michigan, a br. Thomas Cimbura z Lino Lakes w Minnesocie pełnił funkcję sekretarza. Br. Snyder wygłosił przemówienie otwierające zebranie, które składało się ze wstępu oraz informacji, w kontekście których odbywało się niniejsze zebranie. Ponadto podał on sprawozdanie ze Specjalnego Zebrania Interesowego, które odbyło się 8 lutego 2004 r. w Zajeździe w Chester Springs w Lionville w Pensylwanii. Zebranie to odbyło się dzień po Nabożeństwie Żałobnym Bernarda W. Hedmana. Uczestnikami tego zebrania byli trzej (3) Pielgrzymów oraz ośmiu (8) Pielgrzymów Pomocniczych ze Stanów Zjednoczonych oraz po jednym

(1) przedstawicielu z Niemiec, Polski i Wielkiej Brytanii. Obecne także były trzy (3) siostry nieuprawnione do głosowania jako obserwatorki. Br. Snyder stwierdził, iż celem tego zebrania było zbadanie dokumentów pozostawionych przez br. Hedmana co do następstwa na funkcji Opiekuna Wykonawczego ŚRM Epifania. W swoich komentarzach br. Snyder omawiał werset Żydów 7:7 oraz odczytał fragmenty artykułów Teraźniejszej Prawdy przynależnych do tematu wyboru Opiekuna Wykonawczego i Dyrektora. Następnie br. Snyder odczytał dokument br. Hedmana z 1996 r. zatytułowany „Pełnomocnictwo” oraz nieopatrzony datą „Dodatek” do „Pełnomocnictwa”. Godne uwagi jest to, iż w obydwu tych dokumentach br. Ralph Herzig został wymieniony przez br. Hedmana jako Tymczasowy Opiekun Wykonawczy, a br. John Davis został wymieniony jako kolejny Tymczasowy Opiekun Wykonawczy. Warto także podkreślić, iż „Pełnomocnictwo” miało być używane na wypadek niesprawności, niemożności lub choroby br. Hedmana, a dodatek miał wejść w życie dopiero po śmierci br. Hedmana. Następnie br. Cimbura odczytał niewiążącą uchwałę braci uczestniczących w Specjalnym Zebraniu Interesowym, jakie odbyło się 8 lutego 2004 r. Uchwała brzmi jak następuje: Proponujemy, by br. Ralph Herzig został zarekomendowany Kościołowi Powszechnemu jako Opiekun Wykonawczy i Dyrektor Świeckiego Ruchu Misyjnego Epifania z wszystkimi uprawnieniami, jakie posiadał poprzedni Opiekun Wykonawczy i Dyrektor.

(Patrz Present Truth, styczeń-luty 1986 r., strona 13, kolumna 2, (1) do strony 14, kolumna 1, dwa paragrafy u góry strony)”. Zgodnie z powyższą uchwałą br. Cimbura odczytał następującą szczegółową Uchwałę (zauważ, iż z pewnymi poprawkami) podającą br. Ralpha Herziga jako nowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego ŚRM Epifania. MIANOWANIE RALPHA M. HERZIGA Zostaje uchwalone przez niniejszą Konwencję Generalną Świeckiego Ruchu Misyjnego Epifania, która miała miejsce w Jacksonville Beach na Florydzie w dniu 12 marca 2004 r. ze wszystkimi delegatami w tym celu zebranymi na konwencji, aby ze względu na zgon pastora Bernarda W. Hedmana działającego jako Opiekun Wykonawczy ŚRM, pastor Ralph M. Herzig z Pittsfield w Massachusetts, został wyznaczony jako następca pastora Bernarda W. Hedmana na stanowisku Opiekuna Wykonawczego ŚRM z następującymi uprawnieniami:

(1) Kontynuowania zarządzania i prowadzenia w imieniu i na rzecz wymienionego ŚRM jego interesów i spraw, tak jak może on to uznać za właściwe, pożądane i wskazane;

jakichkolwiek funduszy oraz innych jego aktywów;

(3) Pożyczania od czasu do czasu w imieniu oraz dla celów rzeczonego ŚRM jakichkolwiek sum pieniędzy jakie może uznać za wskazane pod zastaw kapitałów lub innych aktywów rzeczonego ŚRM włączając jego nieruchomości;

(4) Inwestowania i reinwestowania wszelkich kapitałów, aktywów lub własności rzeczonego ŚRM według tego, co uzna za wskazane i właściwe;

(5) Nabywania, sprzedawania i przekazywania na rzecz i w imieniu rzeczonego ŚRM wszelkich nieruchomości jako pełną nieograniczoną własność, jakiejkolwiek osobie lub osobom za taką sumę lub sumy, jakie uzna za właściwe bez jakiegokolwiek prawa ze strony nabywcy do kontrolowania tego, w jaki sposób cena kupna zostanie rozdysponowana, a następnie posiadania pełnomocnictwa do oddawania w zastaw całości lub części jakiejkolwiek nieruchomości posiadanej lub później nabytej przez rzeczony ŚRM.

(6) Nadawania tytułu własności, negocjowania ceny i sprzedaży jakichkolwiek zabudowań, posiadłości, własności dziedzicznych i wszelkich nieruchomości lub jakiejkolwiek ich części za dowolną sumę lub cenę jaką będzie uważał za właściwą;

(7) Zarządzania wszystkimi gruntami, zabudowaniami, posiadłościami lub własnościami dziedzicznymi posiadanymi na własność lub dzierżawionymi, które są w posiadaniu oraz/lub są zajmowane przez rzeczony ŚRM;

(8) Zawierania, akceptowania, wypowiadania i zmieniania umów dzierżawnych lub czasu ich trwania; oraz

(9) Oddawania, przyjmowania, wypowiadania oraz zmieniania dzierżaw i czasu ich trwania oraz żądania i przyjmowania należnych czynszów lub czynszów, które będą należne w przyszłości na rzecz rzeczonego ŚRM od jakiejkolwiek osoby, osób, spółek lub firm; oraz UCHWALA SIĘ DALEJ, iż pastor Ralph M. Herzig będzie upoważniony do wyznaczenia pełnomocnika lub przedstawiciela z zupełną władzą załatwiania wszelkich spraw wymaganych lub koniecznych w związku z prowadzeniem działalności ŚRM oraz pełną władzą powoływania i odwoływania z takich obowiązków lub czynności odpowiednio według uznania pastora Ralpha M. Herziga; oraz

UCHWALA SIĘ DALEJ, iż pastor Ralph M. Herzig będzie miał prawo do zlecania pewnych swych obowiązków osobie lub osobom wyznaczonym według własnego wyboru; oraz

UCHWALA SIĘ DALEJ, aby skutecznie usuwać wszelkie możliwe wątpliwości, jakie mogłyby powstać w odniesieniu do rzeczywistego znaczenia bądź interpretowania, bądź zastosowania wyżej wymienionych pełnomocnictw, iż ŚRM niniejszym oświadcza, iż mają się one rozszerzać i we wszystkich przypadkach będą się rozszerzać na wszelkie inne kwestie lub transakcje nie wymienione lub nie określone uprzednio, których wykonanie lub załatwienie podczas prowadzenia spraw rzeczonego ŚRM może zostać uznane przez pastora Ralpha M. Herziga za konieczne lub wskazane.

UCHWAŁY DOTYCZĄCE TYMCZASOWEGO NASTĘPSTWA ZWAŻYWSZY na to iż, Ralph M. Herzig, urzędujący Opiekun Wykonawczy ŚRM, nie uważa obecnie za wskazane zaproponować kogokolwiek, by został należycie wybrany na stanowisko jego następcy jako Opiekuna Wykonawczego ŚRM na wypadek jego śmierci, oraz ZWAŻYWSZY na to, iż jest wskazane, aby podjąć postanowienie w sprawie przejściowego kontynuowania normalnych funkcji ŚRM bez przerwy w wypadku śmierci aktualnie urzędującego Opiekuna Wykonawczego, gdy jeszcze nie będzie należycie wybranego następnego Opiekuna Wykonawczego ŚRM, który byłby w stanie usługiwać w tym charakterze, DLATEGO TERAZ UCHWALA SIĘ, iż pastor Ralph M. Herzig będzie miał prawo, a niniejszym zostaje do tego upełnomocniony, wyznaczyć na piśmie pielgrzyma lub pielgrzyma pomocniczego ŚRM do działania w charakterze Tymczasowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego, z uprawnieniami wymienionymi poniżej, do czasu

właściwego wyboru i wykwalifikowania następnego Opiekuna Wykonawczego, oraz

DODATKOWO UCHWALA SIĘ, iż Ralph M. Herzig będzie miał prawo, a niniejszym zostaje do tego upełnomocniony, wyznaczyć na piśmie pielgrzyma lub pielgrzyma pomocniczego ŚRM do działania w charakterze kolejnego Tymczasowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego, z tymi samymi uprawnieniami co Tymczasowy Opiekun Wykonawczy, na wypadek gdyby osoba wyznaczona do pełnienia funkcji Tymczasowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego nie była w stanie lub byłaby niezdolna do działania w charakterze Tymczasowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego z jakiegokolwiek powodu, oraz PONADTO UCHWALA SIĘ następujące uprawnienia i obowiązki Tymczasowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego:

PO PIERWSZE: ogłosić śmierć urzędującego Opiekuna Wykonawczego i pomóc rodzinie zorganizować jego pogrzeb.

PO DRUGIE: poczynić przygotowania do wyboru następnego Opiekuna Wykonawczego, który to wybór winien nastąpić w ciągu czterech miesięcy od daty śmierci urzędującego Opiekuna Wykonawczego i odbyć się albo na:

(a) specjalnym zebraniu interesowym zwołanym w celu wyboru następnego Opiekuna Wykonawczego na generalnej konwencji, która została zaplanowana jeszcze przed śmiercią urzędującego Opiekuna Wykonawczego, jeśli zdaniem Tymczasowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego jest wystarczająco dużo czasu, by uwzględnić wybór na takiej konwencji generalnej.

(b) specjalnym zebraniu interesowym specjalnej generalnej konwencji, zwołanej i zorganizowanej przez Tymczasowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego. PO TRZECIE: Tymczasowy Opiekun Wykonawczy, w okresie pomiędzy śmiercią urzędującego Opiekuna Wykonawczego i wyborem następnego Opiekuna Wykonawczego, będzie wykonywał wszystkie swoje

uprawnienia konieczne do prowadzenia działalności ŚRM bez przerwy, jednakże z tym zastrzeżeniem, iż wydatki pieniężne Tymczasowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego nie przekroczą 150.000,00 dolarów.

PO CZWARTE: Uprawnienia Tymczasowego Opiekuna Wykonawczego w innych okolicznościach będą takie same jak uprawnienia Opiekuna Wykonawczego wymienione powyżej w paragrafach od jeden do dziewięć i w trzech dodatkowych uchwałach bezpośrednio następujących powyżej po paragrafie dziewiątym.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What Poor Reasoning!

Below are two examples of poor reasoning. You will notice similarities to today.

E5 Pg. 171-172

Example #1: There are two statements in the article from which J. F. R. and others have inferred the dates, but quite erroneously. One of these statements is to the effect (p. 264, col. 2, pars. 2, 6) that the end of the wrath on Israel was April, 73, and that the parallel of this date was April, 1918. This statement is true, but does not refer at all to the reaping; rather it refers to the burning of the chaff; and of course completing the burning of the chaff in Fleshly Israel cannot be paralleled with completing the reaping of the wheat in Spiritual Israel. People who blunder into such an inference are not safe guides. They surely will lead others into the ditch! The second statement from which the inference was drawn that April, 1878, and April, 1918, respectively witnessed the beginning and ending of the reaping, is that made on there being no garner until Pentecost, 33 A.D. (p. 264, col. 2, par. 1). The reasoning that produced this inference is the following:Since there was no garner until Pentecost, 33 A.D., there was therefore no reaping until then! hence there was no reaping until Pentecost, 1878, the parallel time in the Gospel Harvest; and since the Gospel reaping lasts 40 years, the reaping must have ended in 1918!

What poor reasoning! In it the reaping process is confounded with the garnering process…

Example #2:

PT. 2006 Page 21

The emphasis put forth in this writing is that the Youthful Worthies came forth as a class in 1881. Therefore, since their existence as individuals must logically precede their arrival as a class, it must have been in1878.

In light of all the Truth concerning the Youthful Worthies. What poor reasoning!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bro. A. Gohlke's India Trip Report

...On Jan.15, more brethren came from Mysore, some who formerly were with the dawn group but who have from the Scriptures, reason and facts become convinced recently that the door of entrance to the High Calling closed in 1914, that God is now selecting the Spirit enlightened, non-Spirit-begotten consecrated ones, etc...

PT. 1978 Pg. 30

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Current Executive Trustee is not Qualified

Bro. Johnson's stern warning to JFR and other Levites for changing the dates of "that Servant":

E5 Pg. 173

...In the Lord’s name we serve these Levites notice to refrain from further presumption and fraud in tampering with the priestly writings of "that Servant." They are not qualified for the work of correcting them, and do it at their peril (Lev. 10: 1, 2)!

(55) In fixing this date, 1918, the Society leaders caused much disappointment to thousands of the brethren; and their and others’ fixing wrong dates, we are satisfied, will produce further disappointments.

(56) Statements in "Pastor Russell’s Sermons" (pp. 287, par. 1, and 289, par. 3) are cited by not a few as a proof that our dear Pastor taught that the reaping began in 1878 and ended in 1918. We reply that in the book of sermons printed late in 1917 by the Society these dates will be found on the pages cited above; but not in the sermon as our dear Pastor published it. The sermon in question was first published in 1908, and correctly gave the dates 1874 and 1914 as the beginning and end of the Harvest. Our Pastor never changed those dates in that sermon. They were changed after his death, seemingly to palm off as his certain time features that he never taught, thereby misleading many, even as was done by the interpolated verse, 1 John 5: 7. The one responsible for this change has much to answer for. Such a course cannot but arouse distrust that other misleading changes have been made, or may yet be made, in his writings...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Letters of General Interest PT. 1969 Pg. 32

Dear Bro. Jolly:...

Thank you for the Vow and Morning Resolve cards. The lighter background makes them easier to read. We enjoy the P.T. and B.S. with their many citations from the Bible and the Truth writings. The advancing Truth fits the former Truth like "hand and glove."

Your Sister by His grace, E.F., Ohio

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Changed Work for Little Flock after 1914

PT. 1969 Pg. 71-74
...God evidently knew that by the Fall of 1914 enough prospective Little Flock members to finally fill up the entire 144,000 were Spirit-begotten, and that they would make their calling and election sure; and that therefore it would not be necessary to beget any more individuals of the Spirit after the Fall of 1914 to take the places of others who had lost their crowns, as had been the case from 1881 to 1914.

It is evident that the remaining Little Flock members did not in the Fall of 1914 or shortly thereafter begin the eagerly-anticipated and joyous work of blessing all the families of the earth, nor have they yet begun it. The symbolic olive tree has failed to bring forth fruitage as yet in blessing the world in the Kingdom. Instead, God had another work for them to do first. As mentioned above, the time since 1914, the Time of Trouble, or Epiphany period, is God's special time for the cleansing and development of the Great Company class (2 Tim. 4: 1; Rev. 7: 14) and for the development of the Youthful Worthies as a class...

...For example, the Priesthood set forth the truth on the door of entrance into the High Calling closing with the setting in of the Time of Trouble in 1914, and that those consecrating thereafter would not have any hope of Little Flockship, but rather of Youthful Worthiship...

Both the new creatures and the Youthful Worthies receive the Holy Spirit, though the latter are not now begotten to a new nature by it. The Holy Spirit's witness to both is very similar (E Vol. 15, pp. 652-654). Therefore, in the case of those consecrating from 1881 to 1914, it was (and still is) not evident (except in rare cases) whether they were Spirit-begotten, and therefore are new creatures, or not Spirit-begotten, and therefore are prospective Youthful Worthies. Hence there was no Youthful Worthy class as such before 1914. But in the case of those consecrating after the closing of the door of entrance into the High Calling, in the Fall of 1914, it is evident that none of the 144,000 crowns has been available for them and, accordingly, that none of them is Spirit-begotten; hence from then on the Youthful Worthies came into existence as a class.

"The advancing Truth must agree with the past Truth. It does not repudiate the formerly received Truth, but makes it clearer and brings out further details that project the same Truths into greater elaborations" (E 5, p. 32)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Attacks on Advancing Tabernacle Truth

PT.1959 Pg. 56


AS we have shown in considerable detail in our May-June issue (a copy free on request), one of the strong evidences proving that the Lord specially used Bro. Johnson to give the advancing Truth to God's people after Bro. Russell's death, is that Bro. Johnson not only repeatedly reaffirmed those features of the Truth on the progressive Tabernacle picture that had been given through Bro. Russell, but also gave additional pertinent features of Truth, based on, in harmony with, and elaborated out of the pertinent Truth given through Bro. Russell. Other leaders among Truth people not only did not give advancing Truth on the Tabernacle, but also, generally speaking, did not accept it as brought forth by the Lord through Bro. Johnson.

These other leaders could not see, e.g., that a great step of progress in connection with the antitypical Tabernacle had set in—that beginning in the Fall of 1914 in the call of the Youthful Worthies as a class, God was building the Epiphany Tabernacle Court as distinct from the Holy (E Vol. 11, p. 493) and that this meant that the door of entrance into the High Calling, the Door of entrance into the Holy, had at that time closed forever to any desiring to enter, that the Great Company had lost their standing as antitypical Priests, and were soon to be put out of the Holy into the Court, while the crown-retainers remained in the Holy to finish their courses, and that all new consecrators would have their standing, not in the Holy, but in the Court.

Furthermore, many of the leaders objected greatly to and fought against this advancing Truth on the Tabernacle, particularly the teaching that those consecrating after the Fall of 1914 were eligible, not for Little Flockship, but for Youthful Worthiship...

See Page 56-57 for its entirety.

It's easier to defend the Truth against a frontal attack. It is much more difficult to defend the Truth when the error is promulgated from within the movement. 1914 is an established date for the Youthful Worthy call as a class. Some have tried to push the established date of 1914 forward and were corrected. Now, some are trying to push the date backwards. These P.T. articles were used to defend the Truth against such sifting errors.

Since within a few years after 1914 some allowed themselves to be misled and deceived into fighting against the progressive Truth on the Tabernacle, which showed that a new work was opening up from 1914 onward in the development of the Epiphany Court as distinct from the Holy, we should not think it strange that 40 years later, within a few years after 1954, we should have a similar situation, with some allowing themselves to be misled and deceived into fighting against the progressive Truth on the antitypical Tabernacle, as set forth by Bro. Johnson, which shows a new work opening up from 1954 onward, in building the Epiphany Camp as distinct from the Court, though there are still Great Company members and Youthful Worthies left in the Court to finish their course. Rather, we would think it strange if a similar condition did not exist.

And what do we find' It is even so. As we have shown in these columns (see, e.g., P '58, pp. 59-61, 91-94), there are repeated attacks being made, particularly by the teacher of what Bro. Johnson called "sophistry" on the time of the saints' reign (P '38, p. 74; '58, pp. 41-47), against the Truth on the antitypical Tabernacle as this Truth advanced in the Fall of 1954 in harmony with Bro. Johnson's teachings, with the completion of the Epiphany Court in its membership and the beginning of the building of the Epiphany Camp as distinct from the Court. The teachings that there are tentatively-justified ones who have their standing since the Fall of 1954 in the Epiphany Camp as distinct from the Court, and that a new class of consecrated ones, the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, is forming since the Fall of 1954, have been under particular attacks; even as 40 years ago, a few years after 1914, special attacks were made against the teachings that there were consecrated ones having their standing in the Court as distinct from the Holy, and that a new class, the Youthful Worthies, was forming after the Fall of 1914. As a comparison between the course of J.F. Rutherford and other leaders 40 years ago and the errorist under consideration...

All this Truth is available for the brethren to read, yet the error continues...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

No more were eligible to become Ancient Worthies after High Calling opened

Youthful Worthies—Bad Results Of Holding Out False Hopes.

Question. (1970)—Is it wrong to hold forth the hope of attaining Youthful Worthiship to those who have consecrated since the Fall of 1954 and those consecrating now?

Answer.We are not to hold forth false hopes to anyone. Just as no more were eligible to become Ancient Worthies after the High Calling opened (Luke 16: 16; Eph. 4: 4), and as no more could become New Creatures, begotten of the Holy Spirit, prospective Little Flock members, after the door of entrance into the High Calling closed in the Fall of 1914, so since the Fall of 1954, when the Youthful Worthy call or invitation ended (E. vol. 10, p. 114; P. ’55, p. 29; P. ’58, pp. 91-93), no more have had the privilege of becoming prospective Youthful Worthies. Since the Fall of 1954, according to the Epiphany Messenger’s teaching (in harmony with the antitypical 80 days of Lev. 12,... order to come into the antitypical Court, as prospective Youthful Worthies (E. Vol. 10, p. 114). As already noted, soon after the Fall of 1914 Bro. Johnson began teaching, in harmony with the Scriptures, that with the beginning of the Epiphany period in the Fall of 1914 the door of entrance into the High Calling closed, and that new consecrators thereafter had the hope, not of Little Flockship, but of Youthful Worthiship. He realized that this teaching would turn some, especially among those consecrated after 1914, away from him and his teachings, and cause them to look instead to others who, contrary to the Scriptures, still held out to them the hope of the High Calling. However, this did not deter him from steadfastly teaching, in harmony with the Scriptures, that the door of entrance into the High Calling closed in 1914. Similarly, since the Fall of 1954, we have been teaching, in harmony with the Scriptures (e.g., Lev. 12) and the teaching of the Epiphany Messenger, that with the beginning of the Basileia period in the Fall of 1954 in its first lapping beginning, the door of entrance into Youthful Worthiship closed, and that new consecrators thereafter have the hope, not of Youthful Worthiship, but of becoming Consecrated Epiphany Campers...

The Executive Trustee's new thought of two calls going on at the same time contradicts the Truth writings.