Saturday, January 21, 2012

Levites - Or Priest. How Do We Know?

Question (1926)—How may we be sure whether a
person is a priest or a Levite?

Answer.—We should accept all brethren as priests
who consecrated before Oct. 1914 and came into the
Truth by Passover 1916, if they are not revolutionists
or partisan supporters of such. While some who
consecrated before Oct. 1914 and came into the
Truth before Passover 1916 are Youthful Worthies,
we do not know who these are. Therefore, we are to
accept all brethren, having consecrated before Oct.
1914 and having received the Truth before Passover
1916, as priests, unless they revolutionize or
partisanly support revolutionists.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Miscellany, Page 205

For instance, how many accepted our Pastor's teachings, not from a thorough and convincing study of them, but merely because he was “that Servant”! Neglecting his repeated exhortation to accept nothing that he wrote or taught, unless they "proved" it true, they simply swallowed what he said, just because he said it.