Thursday, December 30, 2010

From Brother Johnson Regarding Canticles

E11, page 692: The following are the divisions of this book: 1: 1—2: 7 treats of the Church's experiences during the Jewish Harvest; 2: 8-17 treats of certain Parousia experiences of the Church; 3: 1-11 treats of the Church's experiences during the Dark Ages (1) and then from 1691 to 1914; 4: 1—5: 1 treats of the Parousia experiences of the Church doctrinally and ethically; 5: 2—6: 3 treats of the foolish virgins in the nominal church during the Parousia and Epiphany;  6: 4—8: 14 treats of the Epiphany Church in herself, in her contacts with Jesus and in her contacts with the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies, and incidentally of certain things as to the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies...

E11, pages 714-715: The Church individually declares that she has a fellow class of young consecrators (a little sister, 8), i.e., the Youthful Worthies. When in the Parousia mention was made of these, no Old Testament nor New Testament passages (hath no breasts) were quoted to prove their existence, which was then inferred from the fact that the close of the general call was followed by more consecrators than there were available crowns, and from the attitude of the Divine attributes toward the faith classes. But there came in the Epiphany, at whose start in 1914 the door of entrance into the high calling closed for new aspirants (Luke 13: 24-27), the time when it was due that this class begin to come to the front, be recognized as such and as such be sought for by figurative suitors... 

Bro. Johnson correctly treats the Epiphany Church in her contacts with the Youthful Worthies starting in 1914 when the Epiphany began. Bro. Johnson makes it crystal clear the Youthful Worthies begin to come to the front in 1914 as a separate and distinct class.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

When Shiloh Comes, P2 Pages 86-87

"Shiloh having received the scepter and 'all power' at his resurrection, because of his obedience unto death, will indeed bless Israel first, but not fleshly Israel, for they are not all true Israelites who are called such according to the flesh (Rom. 9: 6). Shiloh, the heir, is seeking and finding children of Abraham according to the spirit, such as share the Abrahamic disposition of faith and obedience, both from his natural posterity and from among the Gentiles, to be a people for his name (Acts 15: 14). And after this [after the gathering of his elect Church is accomplished—in the harvest or end of the Gospel age, at the close of the Gentile Times] he will turn again his favor and will build again the ruins of Israel, and finally of all the families of the earth, upon a better basis than has ever entered into the heart of man to conceive. He who now holds the scepter, whose right it is to rule, will at the expiration of the Gentile Times receive the crown also; "and unto him shall the gathering of the people be" (Gen. 49: 10). The scepter, or title to "all power in heaven and in earth," was given unto him at his resurrection, but he awaits the Father's appointed time, the limit of the Gentile Times, before he will take his great power and begin his glorious reign—Rev. 11: 17, 18.

Now bear in mind the date already found for the beginning of these Gentile Times, B.C. 606, while we proceed to examine the evidence proving their length to be 2520 years, ending A.D. 1914."

The Executive Trustee's "present view" overshadows the true work of our Lord during the Parousia and its 40 year harvest from 1874-1914.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Permanent Marker Series: E4, Page 462

(Click the above image for best quality.)

Page 462 is one of the most interesting in E4 when considering the Executive Trustee's "present view" idea. If we don't change the four instances of 1881 to 1878 and modify the "general call" reference, his new 1878-81 Youthful Worthies cannot see the hidden mystery. It doesn't make any sense that they would not have this ability.

How is it possible that Bro. Johnson didn't include them in being able to see spiritual things? Maybe it is because they didn't exist during this time.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Permanent Marker Series: E4, Page 443

(Click the above image for best quality.)

Page 443 is much like some of the other pages we've recently modified. Any reference to 1881 needs to be changed to 1878 if we are to accept the Executive Trustee's belief that the Youthful Worthies began in that year. His Youthful Worthies must be included in this answer because they should be available to fill any future potential vacancies in the Little Flock (see E4, page 420) and therefore their status is unsure.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Coming out of Babylon

PT. 1971, Pg. 38: (9) In the larger antitype, set forth in par. (7), the highest class of God's people that came out of Babylon is the Royal Priesthood, the Little Flock. All of this class were reaped and gleaned by the Harvest Truth message and came out from 1878 to 1916 (John 9: 4; Rev. 7: 1-4; 6: 9-11; Isa. 66: 7; Amos 9: 13, etc.; E 5, pp. 143-165; C, Appendix, pp. 387-404). Also, many crown-losers came out, though not then known as such individually or as a class (E 4, pp. 215, par. 1, 246, bot., 250, par. 1, 466; E 5, p. 174). In the antitype, in the finished picture the Priests (crown-retainers) alone are represented in the Holy; and as Divine beings they are represented in the Most Holy (in the type, only the priests served in the Holy and Most Holy of the temple). The next class among those to leave Babylon consists of antitypical Levites. (Many antitypical Levites have remained in Babylon and therefore are not noted in this picture.) From 1878 to 1914, the antitypical Levites who left Babylon were unconsecrated tentatively justified ones and also some consecrated ones for whom no openings to be of the Little Flock were available (though not then known as individuals or as a class). In the Epiphany from 1914 to 1954, the antitypical Levites who left Babylon were of (a) the unconsecrated tentatively justified; (b) the subordinate Gospel-Age Spirit-begotten class—the Great Company—who were formerly in the Holy as prospective Priests; (c) the consecrated, Spirit-enlightened elect class for whom no crowns were available, and who therefore were not Spirit-begotten—the Youthful Worthies. But in the post-1954 setting (P '59, pp. 36-38), only classes (b) and (c) are antitypical Levites, in the Court. (In the type, only the Levites—in addition to the priests, whom they specially assisted—served in the court; but the Levites were not permitted to enter the Holy or Most Holy.) The Great Company in its three groups—Kohathites, Merarites and Gershonites—is represented in the inner, or higher, court of the temple, with its three rows of stones; and the Youthful Worthies in their similar three groups are represented in the outer court, with its three rows of stones (1 Kings 7: 12; P '68, p. 71).

From the same year PT. 1971, Pages 76-77 helps clarify the above: We agree that it is through the Truth that God calls to consecration. In fact, everyone who up to 1878 (when the fullness of the Gentiles came in) made a full consecration was by that Truth begotten of the Spirit, as called to the High Calling. But between 1881 and 1914 only certain ones were through the Truth by God, usually quite some time after the Truth induced them to consecrate, begotten unto the High Calling; and the other consecrators, though induced by the Truth to consecrate, were not Spirit-begotten, and hence were not initiated into the High Calling; and since Oct. 1914, the Truth induces many to consecrate but begets none to the High Calling.