Answer—By the fulness of the Gentiles coming in probationarily passover 1878 we understand that at that time those who had made their calling and election sure before that time, plus those under the call who had not yet made their calling and election sure, plus those who at that time came under the call totaled the entire 144,000. The small sifting involving disgruntled Adventists in 1875 and the large noransomism sifting beginning passover 1878 imply that a considerable number lost their crowns between 1874 and 1878, whose crowns were not only assigned to others, but enough of still other Gentiles came under that call during that period, Oct., 1874-April, 1878, as to fill up the predestinated number probationarily. We further understand that no crowns were lost after Passover 1878 until immediately before Oct., 1881, when special calls went out to fill up the lapsed crowns to bring them up again to the full 144,000. These considerations prove that all called up to those called from Oct., 1881, onward, were called under the general call, since before Oct., 1881, no special calls were issued. Hence, while the fulness of the Gentiles came in probationarily at the passover of 1878, the general call ceased in Oct., 1881. How do we know this? Because first in Oct., 1881, special calls were made to bring up again, for the first time after passover 1878, the called to 144,000. The harvest parallels prove that the general call ceased in 1881; for as the general call to Israel ceased in Oct., 36, proven by the fact that then the call went out to Gentiles to fill up the elect number which Israel failed to furnish, and thereafter Israel furnished only special ones for the call; so the Nominal Church, failing in 1881 to furnish the full number of the faithful called, the call went forth “to certain ones in the field,” the Nominal Church from then on furnishing only specially called ones. ’35-183".
Note that this Q&A was given only two years after the Ruth article. The only groups mentioned were those running for the Little Flock. No Youthful Worthies. No fourth group. No other call. No later correction to this Q&A.
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