Rom. 5: 12 Therefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed on all men, for that all have sinned:
The L.H.M.M. tract says: "That man was created perfect, . . . and that through sin he fell"
The new B.S.M. tract says: "That the human race was created perfect . . . and that through sin they fell"
Question – Which statement is correct? Why the change?
Answer - The whole plan of redemption revealed in the Bible is pivoted upon two things: man's condemnation to the curse in Adam by Divine justice for Adam's sin, and man's ransom from that curse-condemnation by Christ through His righteousness unto death as Adam's and our ransom in Adam. There is nothing in the facts of the curse but is in harmony with the thought that the curse came upon all through one common ancestor; for it is evident that the curse is by heredity transmitted from generation to generation, and hence must have come from the first generation of mankind as its guilty recipient; otherwise some of the race, the descendants of non-sinning ancestors, would have escaped it. Whether one will dispute this or not, it is evidently the Biblical teaching (Rom. 5: 12-19; 1 Cor. 15: 21, 22), and certainly is in harmony with the fact that the curse is hereditary, which all observation and experience certainly prove to be a fact. The Bible proposition is that Adam for indulgence in sin had to pay its price, enslavement unto death under the curse, exacted by God, the Creditor, who required the debtor to pay the price for his sin-indulgence, for the reason that the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6: 23). E12, 232-233
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