Thursday, April 2, 2009

Giving and Spreading The Seasonal Truth

PT 1974 Page. 75 Col. 2:

"The 1874-1974 century has witnessed marvelous things in the giving of and circulation of the promised seasonal Truth, the meat in due season (Prov. 4: 18; Matt. 24: 45-47; Luke 12: 37; 2 Pet. 1: 12; Rev. 3: 20). This included the truth on various features of the doctrines of the Ransom and Restitution..."

"Among other truths that the Lord gave through Bro. Russell and that were spread widely, were those on the Thousand-year Reign of Christ and the binding of Satan beginning in 1874, on the Epiphany as a period beginning in 1914, on the non-Spirit-begotten consecrated (the Youthful Worthies), on the last related acts of Elijah and Elisha in type and antitype, on the separation of the Little Flock and the Great Company, etc. After his death the truth on these subjects expanded and clarified, and was set forth by Bro. Johnson, along with many other expositions, reaffirmations and defenses of the Parousia Truth. These are presented mainly in the PT and in the Epiphany Volumes, and concern especially the two Epiphany elect classes—the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies."

Bro. Johnson was congruent with and supported Bro. Russell's view. It's the reason why he titled E4 "The Epiphany's Elect." Since 2004, the "present view" contradicts the correct view of the Spirit Begotten.

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goniecjan said...
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