Because of errors and changes thru interpretation and translations, it is obvious that the French document should not have been published or presented as Bro. Johnson’s own words in the Winter 2009 PT. It introduces many problems for the Executive Trustee and it doesn’t even prove his “present view” on the Youthful Worthies. Yet, in the end, the real issue is not this lapse in judgment or the use of the faulty article. The real issue is the Executive Trustee’s misread of the 3 sentences in E4, pages 375-376:
- “…and brought back with them a faithful class of unbegotten consecrated ones from 1878 on.”
- “…coming back into present Truth, and bringing unbegotten consecrated ones with them from 1878 to 1881.”
- “…for the Ruth class consecrating and coming into the Truth between 1878 and 1881.”
The instant you accept his view that they show unbegotten consecrated ones existing in 1878, 79, 80 or the first part of 81, then you also have to accept that Bro. Johnson was confused and contradicted himself WITHIN HIS OWN BOOK. Were all the consecrated from Pentecost to 1881 Spirit-begotten as he says on p.469? Could the deep things be seen only by New Creatures until 1881 on pages 440 & 462? Doesn’t the title of the book apply to both of its subjects? These are just a few examples of the problems introduced. We don’t know why the brethren would believe this of Bro. Johnson when the sentences are easily harmonized.
For historical events, we often use the current (perfected) condition of someone in the event before it is achieved because that condition is known and common to us. If asked about when you met your spouse, your response is always the first day you were introduced, not the day of your wedding. If a history professor tells his students that a distant trading company brought back with it new colonists from 1478 to 1481, it does not mean they were actual colonists when they left in 1478.
Bro. Johnson, like a good professor, is telling us this journey from the point of completion. The destination condition is our common understanding of both Naomi and Ruth. For the first sentence, he says Naomi BROUGHT BACK Ruth starting the journey in 1878. For the second, he says that Naomi was COMING BACK into the Truth and then shows the entire journey length for bringing back Ruth. The third sentence is very easy--it shows the 3 ½ year journey of consecrating and COMING INTO the Truth. In the end, either these 3 sentences work with the rest of the book, or you have to conclude that Bro. Johnson could not write a book. You choose.
For the last time, we make available a PDF of the original 31-page French work. Please click here to download.