"...The Assyrian here, as in Micah 5: 5, 6, represents 'those who make spoil of God’s people by devastating the Truth and its Spirit'..."
"... The Lord’s true sheep will heed only the voice of the Good Shepherd; they will study to show themselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim. 2: 15). They will keep themselves in the love of God and in the most holy faith. The Truth and its Spirit will be the touchstones that will determine for them which is true and which is false..."
The question has been asked "Who are the Sifters?" We understand it to be those who have devastated the Truth...like in the example above. Satan never addresses the Truth. Instead, he diverts attention from it and attacks one's character.
The Executive Trustee still has not addressed why he changed the work of the Spirit Begotten. His 2004 modified PT article on the Quasi-Elect has the "our present view" idea which states that the inception of the Youthful Worthies is in 1878. THIS CHANGE IS A SEVERE VIOLATION OF THE ARRANGEMENTS. Since then, he has attacked the characters of individuals and local Epiphany classes for their inquires into this radical change of the Epiphany Truth. Oddly, he accuses them of going against the arrangements. What should we call his handywork of changing existing Truth in the above Quasi-Elect article? Advancing Truth?
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