Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Antitypical Court PT. 1964 Page 55

(11) The antitypical Court will eventually consist of three classes: the Ancient Worthies, developed before the Gospel Age, and the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies, the two classes that as such are developed here in the Epiphany period, beginning in the Fall of 1914, which two classes therefore constitute the Epiphany Court (see, e.g., E 5, p. 420; P '40, pp. 13, 14; '59, pp. 34-36). Jesus as God's Executive has been in the process of building the Epiphany Court from 1914 onward, in His calling and development of the Youthful Worthy class and in His dealing with the Great Company as a class, in readying them for the Marriage Supper. The Epiphany Court was completely set up individually and tentatively by Sept. 16, 1954, the end. of the antitypical 80 days of Lev. 12 (P '55, p. 29; '59, p. 37),...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Further Light

"(29) In the Parousia reaping period (1874-1914), in the Epiphany, or Apocalypse, period in its restricted, 40-year sense (1914-1954) and ever since 1954 in its wider sense, in the lapping beginning of the Basileia (Kingdom) period, many have blessed others with the Parousia Truth, the Parousia and Epiphany Truth or whatever measure of Truth they have inside or outside of Babylon, at least sufficient to enable them to bring others into tentative justification. In these periods, these servants of God have, by the measure of such Truth as they possessed, figuratively fathered many who by repentance and faith in Jesus as Savior have become tentatively justified, and who make full consecrations in the post-Sept. 16, 1954 Epiphany period and so become Consecrated Epiphany Campers. By causing others through the Word to become tentatively justified, these servants have figuratively fathered such into partial consecrations, consecrations to righteousness (comp. F 124, 125). These consecrations are not to be confused with full consecrations, which in the Gospel-Age proper made full consecrators into Spirit-begotten new creatures and which since 1881 additionally have made many others into Spirit-enlightened, non-Spirit-begotten fully consecrated ones."  PT. 1977 Pages. 90-91

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This Thought Published At Least Seven Times

Especially for the benefit of new readers, we will repeat here one of the clear, at least seven-times-published enumerations of the classes in the Epiphany Camp in its present, unfinished state: "As in the unfinished Epiphany Court, as it existed from 1914 to 1954, there were three classes—(1) the Great Company, a Spirit-begotten class, (2) the Youthful Worthies, a consecrated and Spirit-enlightened but not Spirit-begotten class, and (3) the unconsecrated tentatively justified—so in the unfinished Epiphany Camp, as it exists from [Oct.] 1954 onward, there are three classes—(1) the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, a consecrated and Spirit-enlightened but not Spirit-begotten class, a non-Levite class [but typed by the Nethinim, who were the appointed assistants to the Levites—Ezra 8: 17, 20; 2; 7: 7, 24; Neh. 3: 26, 31; 7; 10: 28; 11: 3, 21; P '71, pp. 37-42; '72, pp. 12-15, 75; '73, pp. 29, 30; '78, p. 55], (2) the unconsecrated tentatively justified and (3) the unjustified, nominal people of God" (P '75, p. 13; comp. P '63, pp. 77, 78).

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Reserved List III

E4. Page 420

Of course, after the last crown was assigned there could be no more vacancies; and hence all on the reserved list as well as all future consecrators had no other Kingdom class position open for their entry than that reserved for the Youthful Worthies.

(19) Question: Should we now encourage believers to consecrate, with Youthful Worthies' prospects as their hope?

Answer: We should now encourage believers to consecrate, because consecration is always in order. We should, however, not now encourage any one to consecrate in hope of the High Calling.