Thursday, April 21, 2011

Does it say 1878 or 1881?

PT November-December, 1957: "However, despite the fact that the Youthful Worthies are not generally recognized as a class by the Great Company groups (except by the Good Levites), and despite the fact that they have so far been kept from their Millennial fold and station, in which they will assist in the joyful work of blessing all the families of the earth, let us not lose hope or turn away from the teaching, clearly set forth by Bro. Russell, that since 1881 there have been many consecrators for whom no crowns have been available, but who have the joyful prospect of being counted in with the Ancient Worthies in nature and reward. Let us remember that hope deferred is not hope lost. We should maintain the assurance of faith that though the fulfilment of this feature of the vision seems to tarry, it also will surely come; it will not really tarry."

If Youthful Worthies began consecrating as individuals in 1878, as is now taught by the Executive Trustee, then Bro. Jolly was wrong.

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