Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Letter of General Interest, PT July-August, 1957

My Dear Bro. Jolly: Grace and peace! First, I wish to say that I feel that I owe you an apology for the way in which in the past I handled with you the things which I then thought to be error on your part . . I would love to be on the Divine spirit plane with Jesus and the other 143,999 Divine beings, I making the full number--144,000; however, I now see that it cannot be. Bro. Johnson was the last Priest and star-member combined. Am I sorry? No! God knows best. If I am a Good Levite, I will be before the Throne with a Great Multitude.

The Scripture which says, "Let no man take thy crown," was applicable only until the end of the Parousia. Before it ended I had a chance to get into the Little Flock; I could then say, "We are all called in the one hope of our calling," but now that Scripture does not apply. I now see that whatever my desires are respecting the Little Flock, the Epiphany Messenger was the last Priest, making up the 144,000. The Lord's statement on Abel and Zacharias proves it. Even Bro. Russell, without knowing it, proved it in Z5256, pars. 11, 12.

And what shall my attitude be toward the Lord and toward the kingdom? Just as strong and faithful as if I were certain of Divine nature. Can we think that the angels in heaven are regretting the fact that they are not cherubim? Are they sad because they were not created equal to Michael? No! a thousand times no! I believe that those who refuse to see the truth on the subject of the Church's glorification are in some cases led partly by their imperfections, and will remain covered by Christ's robe of righteousness until and if they prove to Him that they no longer deserve that covering.

You have done a good work in exposing the errors of the sifters. Surely these controversies between Truth and error will help to manifest all who know and love the Truth. Thanks to you for The Present Truths and the other literature. Kindly send me The Millennium book. If you publish this, please give my name; it may help some of my associates, etc.

Your brother by the grace of the Lord, W.V.A. Franklin, Cal.

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