Monday, August 1, 2011

E Vol. 3 Pages 51, 52

...Elijah's sitting on its top types the fact that at that time, from early Fall of 1914 onward, the entire eventual Elijah class was in the embryo Kingdom, i.e., the last one of those who would prove faithful had been begotten of the Spirit, and henceforth no one else would be invited to the high calling; for all embryo new creatures who will overcome are by us to be regarded as already in the highest or heavenly phase of the Kingdom—sitting on the top of a mountain (Rev. 14: 1); and certainly by October, 1914, almost all of us understood that the last one of the Faithful had been begotten of the Spirit, and a little later came to see that the harvesting that yet remained was of a gleaning character. Moreover, the fact that Elijah was then on the mountain's top, implies that he had previously reached and ascended the mountain. His reaching the mountain also types the fact that the Church somewhat before early Fall, 1914, reached the time when the Kingdom beyond the vail would be working to overthrow Satan's Empire, which working began September 21, 1914, after the outbreak of the World War. This is in harmony with our Pastor's secondary thought on the antitype of Elijah's coming at the end of the 40 days—1914—to Horeb, the Mount of God (1 Kings 19: 8)...

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