Thursday, May 24, 2012

Time for it to be understood?

We continue to publish words from a discourse given by a Pilgrim brother. He is totally confused by a reference in E11. We find it strange that he has this desire to find ideas he thinks Bro. Johnson hid away for understanding at some later, unknown date. All he has to do is look at page E11, page 183 for a sentence on tentative justification for those not of the Little Flock. Here is what he says:

"In E11, there are some thoughts on page 170 that I want to share with you. Yeah, 170. As this Millennial picture comes along and the work that has been going on at the present time, Bro. Ralph has brought to the attention or our, at our...two conventions now, that, again the death, as God says, the death of my saints is a pleasure to him. The same thought goes for those that will be of that highest order and during this Epiphany time. I am just going to read the little pertinent part. Uhm, because it's talking here about going back to the, uhm, Exodus. So I am going says..."

For the reference that the brother uses, see E11, page 170 where it begins with "Hence the entirety of..." and ends on 171 with "burning the uneaten parts of the lamb." Here are his comments as he reads this reference:
  • "as far as individual imputations, it was one big piece"
  • "That was for that Little Flock harvest, there was some that would remain for others to use. And he says"
  • "Remember during that particular feast."
  • "This is why I wanted to get our minds...even though we're in the Millennial thousand year period of time, the work is still a Gospel Age work. As he said, 'in this age,' he's talking about the Gospel Age, the Harvest and the second 40-year period of time. Then he goes on"
  • "So, as this fifth elect group or class of people, as God finds when that time comes that there are enough to fulfill that class that he's working with now, no more individual imputations will be made. And then he goes on and says that, uhm..."
  • "There is a lot said in that last little thought. Listen closely..."
  • "We don't believe we are totally depraved at this time, because we have been given that imputation of Christ's merit. We have the Holy Spirit of understanding. Are we still under the curse that Adam brought? Yes. But we are...are we totally depraved as the world of mankind? And the answer should be no. We're not! Here, he goes on and he says"
  • "So, take time, it's the book of Exodus. Take time to read quite a few pages ahead and quite a few pages after that thought. Because it is a thought that is, IT IS NOT NEW TRUTH, as some of the brethren accusing Bro. Ralph of making. It is in that book. It's back in 1934 Present Truth. But it is PRESENT TRUTH. It is not NEW truth. It has been there all that time, but it's now it's time for it to be understood and utilized."

As long as they are looking for hidden truths in E11, maybe he should help the Executive Trustee revisit their confusion on the topic of the Youthful Worthies. If we go by their method of reasoning, perhaps Bro. Johnson changed his mind on the Youthful Worthies again (from the hidden truth they supposedly found in E4) as shown on page 483 where it says, "The Lord’s work that has since been going on has been building the Epiphany Tabernacle, which had its beginning in the call of the Youthful Worthies from 1914 onward."

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