Sunday, September 23, 2012

How many times did the door shut? (P3, Pgs. 206-207)

Consider this "door" of opportunity and privilege, soon to close. Our Lord called it a gate, and said that during the Gospel age it would be difficult both to find and to enter it, and advised us to make great effort to enter, if we would share the immortality and Kingdom honors, to which it and no other door leads. He said, therefore, "Strive to enter in at the strait gate; for many, I say unto you, shall seek to enter in and shall not be able, the Master of the house hath risen up and shut to the door (Luke 13: 25). This narrow way, as we have already seen,* is the way of self-sacrifice in the interest of the)] and work. The way is made narrow by the circumstances of the present time, by the opposition of the worldly spirit against truth and righteousness, so that whoever walks in the footprints of our Leader and Forerunner will find the way narrow or difficult and must suffer persecution. To walk in this way, as our Lord set us an example that we should follow in his steps, implies not only a passive conformity to his disposition or spirit, but also an active, energetic zeal in the promulgation of his truth at all hazards. And all who walk in this narrow way, faithful as he was faithful, unto death, have fellowship in his sufferings, and will also in due time have fellowship in his glory, at the marriage feast, in the glory to be revealed at his appearing and Kingdom—Phil. 3:10: 1 Pet. 4: 13.

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