Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Demolition of The LHMM - The Future Appointed Leader in Waiting

Between 2004 and 2006, a certain Pilgrim of the BS Ministries served local classes in America with the topic Incidental Features. At last year's convention in Tulsa, OK, he made the comment that this talk would make a return to his discourse repertoire. And it did at their most recent convention in Washington. Not one person in the audience groaned in dismay as to what was being said. From the very beginning, he has misinterpreted Brother Russell's use of the term "incidental" and has convinced himself that many essential features of GOD's plan like "Faith Justification" and "The Great Sacrifice for Sin" use today's meaning of the word. Very sad.

See December 2012 postings on this matter.

Click here to listen to this confused Pilgrim

Take note to listen at the 19:15, 23:06, 30:00, 37:15, 39:00, 43:20, and 44:00 minute marks.

This brother attempts to support his claims that this information is found in the writings. Attached is an example from R4555. Also see R4137 and R4656

R4137: "...Our Lord's mission was primarily to make the great sacrifice for sin, which was the redemption price, and to secure ultimately the release of mankind from the sentence of original sin. As an incidental feature connected with the world's salvation through his sacrifice, he preached the good tidings and called for followers to walk in his steps and to be joint-sacrificers with him, and thus ultimately to be joint-heirs with him in the work of distributing the blessings and favor of God, secured through his death..."

R4555: "... Nevertheless the divine plan does not end with the deliverance of "the Church of the firstborn whose names are written in heaven" and who shall share with Christ in "his resurrection"--the first, or chief resurrection. The appropriation of the merit of Christ first to the Church is merely an incidental feature of the Divine Plan. Soon the Church shall have shared by the privilege now granted to believers of becoming dead with Christ to the earthly interests and alive as New Creatures by the first resurrection..."

R4656: "...Their hope will be the same as that of the remainder of the world, viz., a hope of actual justification during the Millennial Age --Restitution. In other words, this matter of faith-justification is merely an incidental feature connected with the consecration to death--for the selection of this special class which is now being called. To impute justification to any except these would be greatly to their disadvantage."

Modern definitions belonging to the word "Incidental" are:  (chance, accidental, untended, unintentional, unplanned).  Additional definitions that should be considered from the late 1800's, early 1900's include "Natural Occurring Event", "Followed By" etc.

The redemptive part of GOD's plan was thoughtfully planned, and deliberate.

R5409: "...The essential features of the Gospel are that Jesus came from above--that He was holy, harmless and undefiled, and gave Himself a Ransom-price for sinners. God recognized the merit of His work and raised Him from the dead, and He ascended on High, there to appear in the presence of God--first for the Church class, later for the world. All this the Christian accepts by faith."

This individual is the next executive trustee in waiting for the BS Ministries. His understanding of the Parousia, and Epiphany Truth is lacking, as demonstrated by this, and other subject matters he has misrepresented. This US Pilgrim who has preached this error should offer a correction, and step down.

1 comment:

Fred said...

Dear brethren,
It has been with interest that I have heard and looked at what are called incidental features of the Truth. How naïve this approach of the Truth is. To consider the “High Calling”, “Tentative Faith Justification,” the ‘imputation of the Merit” or the selection of other elect classes and other blessing that were received for the satisfaction of God’s Justice (1 Cor. 15: 21, 21) 21. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. These were all additional blessings received from the Precious Ransom Sacrifice of our Lord. The language has changed from the old English to the new. Brother you are right it is misrepresenting the true meaning of the Ransom. With this approach it is truly denying the value of the Ransom. The word incidental should be replaced with the words additional blessings “for a life for a life”. The only incidental feature was that we as the posterity of Adam we were born sinners.
See Biblical Comments: How can the Little Flock be incidental ?
Eph. 1: 4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
The first comment shows how the church was chosen before the creation of the earth.
Mt 25: 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
The second comment is referring to the creation of the earth and man. How can this incidental feature be more important than the Little Flock?

Bro. Blaine