Sunday, August 11, 2013

Permanent Marker Series: E5, Author's Foreword, p. iii.

"Since in the Parousia it was due to complete the development of the Little Flock and start the Youthful Worthies, as the special Parousia work, naturally the Truth teachings of that time centered in Christ and the Church with a few things on the Youthful Worthies. And since in the Epiphany it is due to develop the Great Company and continue the development of the Youthful Worthies, naturally the Truth teachings of this time center in these two classes."

We start a new Permanent Marker series, moving on to E5, A MISCELLANY. This book, like E4 before it, needs a lot of repair to make it work with the Executive Trustee's idea of having a Youthful Worthy call and class in the Parousia. Frankly, every publication needs repair to make his idea work. He's already taken care of The Chart of the Ages, so we've chosen E5. The comments in red are our suggested additions or changes to Bro. Johnson's writings. Certainly, there are other and better options. But these will do.

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