Saturday, July 26, 2014

Demolition of the LHMM - Bro. Blaine responds to his class - Quorum, or Clericalism?

In November 2006, the same person working through the Bible House who was influential in splitting the Springfield Epiphany Bible ecclesia returns to his Keystone Heights, FL ecclesia to split that class. Can you guess who that person is? Hearsay? We think not.

Quorum?  More like orchestrated clericalism...

Click HERE to see Keystone Heights orchestrated letter.

Click HERE to see Bro. Blaine's response to these acts of clericalism.

Click HERE to see family/partisan instructions to split the Springfield, MA class. Please take special note at the bottom of the attached email.

"This is what I came up with after using Bro. Ralph and Bro. Dan's critiques. Check it out and let me know what you think.  Herb"

Bro. Dan Herzig spoke at a recent convention in Poland and misrepresented the Chicago Brethren's communication with other Brethren concerning Bro. Ralph Herzig.

At 29 minutes and 49 seconds he says, "...They say history repeats itself. And when the split came when Bro. Ralph was the transitioning person, there was some Brethren in Chicago area that joined in on the opposing group. They knew a number of Brethren here in Poland, and pretty soon there is negative input coming by way of hearsay. We don't like Bro. Ralph. Why? Do you know him? Well, no... a brother or sister said. They wouldn't lie to me. Let's watch out dear Brethren..."

Click HERE to hear audio above.

In each of the above examples, and other Truth related issues in America, there has been one person used as a catalyst for the problems here. Have you connected the dots to who that person is?

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