Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sectarianism, and Clericalism Meet The Brethren Head On In Poland

Since the current executive trustee took over the BSM/LHMM movement in 2004, subtle changes where made to the spirit begotten's writings. Most of the Brethren didn't pay attention. Those who did, and spoke up against the error were dismissed, called sifters, and accused of violating the arrangements. With the exception of Chicago, and the California ecclesia, every class in America was split in two. Now the same evil has reached Poland

The Burden of Proof Lays Upon The BSM/LHMM

1. What wrong doings are these Brothers guilty of? 
2. What conduct did they display that isn't conducive to any Christian?
3. What actions did they display that wasn't in harmony with the Parousia, Epiphany, or Basileia Truth?

May we also point the reader to other related posts that addresses the acts of Sectarianism, 
and Clericalism here in America:

11/2009 "Welcome to the business office"
09/2010 "Regards to recent statements from the British Representative"
04/2013 "Summer 2006 Present Truth"
06/2013 "Engaging in Clericalism, and Sectarianism"
06/2013 "Let's make an example"

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