Sunday, May 24, 2015

Permanent Marker Series: E10, Page 284

"Bro. Russell nourished (brought up [literally, nourished], v.7) Youthful Worthies (Hadassah [myrtle], Neh. 8:15) who later became New Creatures (Esther [star]) after the new-creaturely nominal-church leaders (uncle's), who had brought them to consecration, as their symbolic father, were as antitypical Saul rejected and the nominal church, as their symbolic mother, as the Lord's mouthpiece was rejected (she had neither father nor mother). After leaving the nominal church as Youthful Worthies, from 1878 onward, and coming into the Truth, these were as a class taken by Bro. Russell as a symbolic daughter."

This reference was once used by the LHMM to show that Youthful Worthies existed in 1878. But, the only way for that to work is to remove the second dependent clause in the above sentence. Taking out "and coming into the Truth" eliminates the time needed for them to come into the Truth and full consecration. That date is 1881, shown only two pages later in the same volume. We covered this reference years ago. Please see:

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