Sunday, September 14, 2008

Complete Assurance of Spirit-Begettal

Definition of Assurance (Merriam-Webster): the state of being assured: a being certain in the mind: confidence of mind or manner: easy freedom from self-doubt or uncertainty.

BS, August 1952, Page 68--"But how can one who has not experienced Spirit-begettal tell the difference between it and the witness of the Spirit which is granted in the case of the prospective Youthful Worthies? The latter is in many respects very similar to the former (see Christ-Spirit-Covenants, Chap. X). It may help us to appreciate the matter better if we bear in mind that ever since 1881 there has been no assurance of Spirit-begettal (F 156; see The Epiphany's Elect, pp. 419, 437)."

If there were fully-consecrated Youthful Worthies between 1878-1881, based on the "present view" of the Executive Trustee, then the above quote is incorrect. Everyone before 1881 had that assurance of Spirit-begettal, so there were no Youthful Worthies before that time (there were tentatively justified ones on their journey to full consecration).

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What roll do the Youthful Worthies have in this attestatorial service?

July-August, 1960--"the Great Company's attestatorial service" (P '54, pp. 54-59; '56, pp. 90-94). In E Vol. 4, p. 31.

(42) The Great Company, as already shown, are typed in the maid child and its mother in Lev. 12; additionally, the mother's bringing her offering at the end of the 80 days in attestation of her purification having been accomplished, types the Great Company engaging in a special public work, toward Jews and Gentiles, for Epiphany Camp purposes, from the Fall of 1954 onward, in attestation of their purification having been accomplished, whereas the Youthful Worthies are not so pictured, though they are special assistants of the cleansed Great Company in this work, and may, following the directions of the Great Company, accomplish most of it, including especially its last phases, after the Great Company shall have left the earth. It is "the Great Company's attestatorial service" (P '54, pp. 54-59; '56, pp. 90-94). In E Vol. 4, p. 31 Bro. Johnson indicates from certain Scriptures that the Great Company "will have an exceedingly fruitful ministry when they as Jesus' agents gather the people into the camp condition of the Epiphany (Num. 8: 9)," and that this will be done by "the Great Company's message."

(43) Similarly, the Great Company has, according to Cant. 5: 8—6: l, been given the privilege of proclaiming the message to Fleshly Israel that in due time will result in their conversion. Bro. Johnson states that the Great Company's "preaching to Israel is described in vs. 10-16; and Israel's conversion in 6: 1. . . . In converting Israel through preaching the Word to them, the Great Company will be bringing a meat offering to the Lord in righteousness" (E Vol. 5, p. 421). Note that Bro. Johnson does not include the Youthful Worthies here, for Cant. 5: 8—6: 1 shows that this is the Great Company's work; however, the Youthful Worthies are the chief assistants of the cleansed Great Company in this work.

(44) Furthermore, the Great Company doing their clean work toward the public are typed by Miriam in her journeying with the people (Num. 12: 15), whereas the Youthful Worthies are not thus typed. Bro. Johnson writes, "Miriam's joining the people in journeying types the Great Company, especially in its leaders, doing the clean work that will be theirs after their cleansing—building the Epiphany Camp, first, from among the nominal-church believers after the nominal church is destroyed and, second, from among Fleshly Israel after they look upon Him whom they pierced and mourn for it (Zech. 12: 10). . . . Hence in the antitype Miriam will be in the antitypical journey, among other things engaging in her work of gathering Gentile and Jewish believers into the Epiphany Camp" (E Vol. 9, p. 156; P '54, p. 59). Thus this work is "their mission" (E Vol. 11, p. 713, line 6), though the Youthful Worthies as their special assistants may accomplish most of it, especially in its last phases, after the Great Company shall have left the earth.

(45) The Great Company receives certain special prerogatives as antitypical Japheth. Bro. Johnson states (P '44, p. 29, col. 1, bottom): "The Parousia and Epiphany Messengers further have taught that God would greatly increase the Great Company in numbers, work and influence (enlarge Japheth, Gen. 9: 27), give them the public mouthpieceship that the Little Flock formerly had, give them the latter's Truth (dwell in the tents of Shem)." But the Youthful Worthies are not mentioned here at all, either in the public mouthpieceship or in the stewardship of the Truth. Since the Little Flock have all been taken from the earth the oracles of God have been committed into the care of the Great Company (comp. Rom. 3: 2). Therefore, while the storehouse of knowledge was during the Parousia placed into the charge of Bro. Russell, that "faithful and wise servant" (Matt. 24: 45-47; Luke 12: 42-44), and during the Epiphany into the charge of Bro. Johnson, the one who had the wisdom of Solomon antitypically (E Vol. 10, p. 667; P '53, pp. 13, 14; '54, p. 41), since the rapture of the last star-member and last Little Flock member from the earth (E Vol. 10, pp. 142, 610, 665) the storehouse of knowledge would logically be entrusted to the care of the next highest class of God's consecrated people, i.e., the Great Company.

(46) The Great Company (in the Good Levite group) as antitypical Benjamin receive the antitypical 300 pieces of silver, "the fullness of Truth for Great Company and Youthful Worthy matters" (Gen. 45: 22; E Vol. 10, p. 651; comp. P '56, pp. 29, 66, par. 2), whereas, as already shown, the Youthful Worthies are not included in antitypical Benjamin. Hence the Youthful Worthies should know where to look for "the fullness of Truth"—they will obtain it from the antitypical Benjamin class only, and not from any alleged "little Jesus" or other would-be leader of the Great Company and Youthful Worthies that may arise from their own midst. Since the fullness of Truth is given to the Great Company, antitypical Benjamin, for Great Company matters and also for Youthful Worthy matters, there is no room for a Youthful Worthy to truthfully claim either that he has the Truth Divinely given into his charge to dispense to the Great Company, or (while the Great Company is still in the flesh) that he has the Truth Divinely given into his charge to dispense to, the Youthful Worthies.

(47) Additionally, the Great Company (in the Good Levite group) as antitypical Benjamin receive the antitypical five changes of raiment, the "five sets of authorizations, with their pertinent qualities" (Gen. 45: 22; E Vol. 10, p. 651). These five sets of authorizations the Great Company receive seem clearly to represent their spheres of authority in service, i.e., toward (1) the Great Company, (2) the Youthful Worthies, (3) the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, (4) "the loyal tentatively justified" for the Epiphany Camp particularly, and (5) the "loyal Jews for the Epiphany Camp" (E Vol. 10, p. 649; P '59, pp. 37-41). Thus the Great Company are given the sphere of authority in service over the Youthful Worthies, and not vice versa.

(66) The same thing is shown by the fact that the Epiphany Messenger pointed out the one typed by Baanah as in the Epiphany application being typed also by Hiram the king, who was "ever a lover of David" (who types Bro. Russell) and assisted in building him a house (1 Kg. 5: 1-3; 2 Chro. 2: 3; P '53, pp. 23, col. 2, par. 1, 91, 92), and additionally was Solomon's (in the antitype, Bro. Johnson's) special helper in building the temple, as well as in other enterprises (1 Kg. 5—10; 2 Chro. 2—9). . . . The executive office function is shown more particularly in the office functions of Hiram the king, though the teaching feature is not excluded, for king Hiram sent to king Solomon "six score talents of gold"—Divinely approved matters pertaining to the Little Flock, and to the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies (1 Kg. 9: 14; P '54, p. 22, col. 2, top).

(67) . . . . Antitypical Hiram the artisan is "a master workman in matters pertaining to the Divine (skilful to work in gold, 2 Chro. 2: 14), the Truth (silver), justification (brass), strong connectives (iron), new creatures (stone), corruptible human nature (timber), royalty (purple), faithfulness (blue), the righteousness of the saints (fine linen) and the Ransom and Sin-offerings (crimson), also skilful in developing the various fruits and graces of the Spirit (also to [en] grave any manner of [en] graving) and to plan and execute any project that might be assigned him (to find out every device which shall be put to him)" (P '53, p. 25, par. 1). For further details, see P '53, pp. 23-25, 54-56, 91, 92; '54, pp. 24, 42-44; '55, p. 84; '56, pp. 80-84; '58, pp. 31, 32. Both offices—Hiram the king and Hiram the artisan—were (in their Epiphany application) clearly set forth by the Epiphany Messenger as belonging only to the present leader of the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies.

Surely Brother Jolly has given us all the Truth up until the Times of Restitution. Psa. 112: 6

Present-Day Leadership of God's People

Who is the present day Spiritual Leader of the Lord's people? Can someone self-proclaim and self-appoint to leadership? What new Truth's are being given? Has the fullness of Truth been given on the GC and YW? Has the fullness of Truth been given on the building of the Epiphany Camp? Are there seventy proofs in PT whole #48 that prove Bro. Jolly as the Spiritual Leader? What are the present day duties and responsibilities of the (good) Youthful Worthies and Consecrated Epiphany Campers? Excerpts from PT July-August 1960 page 50 answer any questions:

(1) The Great Company are Spirit-begotten (Rev. 19: 1-9; 7: 13-15; E Vol. 4, pp. 115-117), whereas the Youthful Worthies "do not have the Holy Spirit of begettal" and, therefore, "do not have a sympathetic appreciation of the operation of the Spirit of begettal in the heart" (E Vol. 4, pp. 412, 440).

(2) The Great Company are typed by some of those born in the land, i.e., they are Spirit-begotten ones, whereas the Youthful Worthies, a lower class, are typed by the "strangers in the land," dwelling in it, but not born in it (Num. 9: 14; E Vol. 8, p. 619).

(3) The Great Company, in those members who are "the good crown-losers," are typed by Naomi, one born in the land, an Israelite, whereas the Youthful Worthies are typed by Ruth, a "stranger in the land" who was born a Moabite (E Vol. 4, p. 374).

(4) The Great Company, particularly the Good Levites in their cleansed condition, are "able to feed on what they once had [the antitypical shewbread] while in the Holy" (E Vol. 4, p. 128, bottom), while they shared in the anointing. But the Youthful Worthies never were in the Holy, hence cannot feed on such things, nor did they ever share in the anointing. Bro. Johnson states, . . . (E Vol. 4, pp. 129, 468).

(5) The Great Company have had their justification vitalized by the actual imputation of Christ's merit, and are now on trial for life, whereas the Youthful Worthies' justification is tentative, and they do not have the actual imputation of Christ's merit (E Vol. 4, pp. 344, 345), nor are they now on trial for life.

(6) The Great Company's vitalizedly-justified standing is pictured in the Inner Court of Solomon's Temple, which was closest to the Holy and Most Holy, whereas the Youthful Worthies' lower, tentatively-justified standing is pictured in the Great or Outer ("utter") Court, which was farther away from the Holy and Most Holy (1 Kg. 6: 36; 7: 12; P '53, p. 53, par. 6; comp. Ezek. 10: 5; 42: 1-3; 44: 19).

(7) The former's standing in the Inner Court is higher than that of those in the Outer Court, because, additionally, the Inner Court was "the higher court" (Jer. 36: 10), i.e., its elevation was above that of the Outer Court.

(40) The Great Company are the main part of antitypical Elisha, who since 1917 is the successor of antitypical Elijah, the Little Flock, as God's mouthpiece to Nominal Spiritual Israel and the world, whereas the Youthful Worthies are the subordinate part (E Vol. 3, pp. 7, 185-187). Because this public mouthpieceship was given chiefly to the Great Company, the Epiphany Messenger in referring to the matter frequently did not even mention the Youthful Worthies' part.

Friday, September 5, 2008

More Truth "As Such"

PT. 1926, Page 186: "The brethren who err on the meaning and implication of our Pastor's having charge of the storehouse do not understand the function of his office. He was the Parousia messenger, appointed by the Lord over the storehouse and the household for Parousia purposes--giving the Parousia Truth and superintending the Parousia work. Thus he gave the Church the full Parousia Truth, and superintended the full gathering of the Church (hence he can have no successor), and thereby gave the foundation of the Epiphany Truth and work; for the Parousia Truth and work are the foundation of the Epiphany Truth and work. But as our Pastor's work was not that of gathering the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies as such, the truths that he gave on these subjects were not full enough for the work of gathering these as such. Their gathering as such is an Epiphany work, for which special Epiphany truths, not due to be seen in his day, are needed."

Once again, those struggling with the meaning of "as such" can get clarification from the above quote. Here, "such" is used to represent "the Great Company" and"the Youthful Worthies" so as to not reuse the same words a second time in the same sentence. It offers better grammar and simplifies the sentence. Clearly, both the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies are gathered as the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies in the Epiphany. The sentence loses its meaning if one of these classes is now gathered "as such" in the Parousia.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What five things, especially, constituted a call to the Youthful Worthies?

Answer to Bro. Johnson's study question from PT 1922, P.76 given in PT 1921, P. 54--"First let us see whom the men of Ephraim type. It will help us to understand this, if we keep in mind that the first battle of Gideon types the same thing as the first smiting of Jordan, the World's High Priest confessing the sins over Azazel's Goat, and the saints executing the judgement written. (Ps. 149:5-9) These works were completely and properly engaged in by the Very Elect only. Hence to have been called to the antitypical warfare in time to take part in them implies that one was called to the High Calling; 'for this honor have all His saints'; and to have been called to the antitypical warfare, but not in time to have taken part in it implies that one was not called to the High Calling, but to something else. The men of Ephraim, therefore, type certain ones called to take part in the warfare against antitypical Midian after the full number of the Very Elect has been won, and had been given that to do which was an exclusive privilege of the Very Elect. i.e., unto a completion and in the Lord's spirit to smite Jordan the first time, to execute the judgement written, to confess the sins over Azazel's Goat, and to engage in Antitypical Gideon's first battle. Whom then do they type? We answer: Very evidently the Youthful Worthies. How did Antitypical Gideon call them? We answer: (1) by continuing the invitation to consecrate after the fall of 1914; (2) by emphasizing after the Fall of 1914, e.g., in Z'15, 269, pars. 6, 7, the fact that there would be a class, who, called too late for the High Calling, would be privileged to share in reward and honor with the Ancient Worthies, i.e., that there would be a Youthful Worthy class; (3) by arousing them to battle against error; (4) by the teaching during 1916 that the Lord's people would smite Jordan twice; and (5) by encouraging repeatedly during 1916 the Lord's people along the lines of the privilege of smiting Jordan. These five things as well as others were a call to the Youthful Worthies to take part in the warfare against antitypical Midian, to take the waters of antitypical Jordan. As in the type the men of Ephraim were to take the Jordan waters as far as Beth-barah (house of the passage), so in the antitype the Youthful Worthies, who, as we have seen, being a part of Elisha (P'20, pars. 1, 2), were to smite the peoples, Jordan, on subjects on which the smiting had been especially done by the Lord's house (beth) who had had a passage (barah) across Jordan, i.e., they were to smite especially what the members of the Elijah class, those who had crossed Jordan, had previously smitten. In other words, they were to smite Jordan the second time."

Had the Youthful Worthies been a separate and distinct class in 1881, the above type and antitype would not work or make sense.