Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Present-Day Leadership of God's People

Who is the present day Spiritual Leader of the Lord's people? Can someone self-proclaim and self-appoint to leadership? What new Truth's are being given? Has the fullness of Truth been given on the GC and YW? Has the fullness of Truth been given on the building of the Epiphany Camp? Are there seventy proofs in PT whole #48 that prove Bro. Jolly as the Spiritual Leader? What are the present day duties and responsibilities of the (good) Youthful Worthies and Consecrated Epiphany Campers? Excerpts from PT July-August 1960 page 50 answer any questions:

(1) The Great Company are Spirit-begotten (Rev. 19: 1-9; 7: 13-15; E Vol. 4, pp. 115-117), whereas the Youthful Worthies "do not have the Holy Spirit of begettal" and, therefore, "do not have a sympathetic appreciation of the operation of the Spirit of begettal in the heart" (E Vol. 4, pp. 412, 440).

(2) The Great Company are typed by some of those born in the land, i.e., they are Spirit-begotten ones, whereas the Youthful Worthies, a lower class, are typed by the "strangers in the land," dwelling in it, but not born in it (Num. 9: 14; E Vol. 8, p. 619).

(3) The Great Company, in those members who are "the good crown-losers," are typed by Naomi, one born in the land, an Israelite, whereas the Youthful Worthies are typed by Ruth, a "stranger in the land" who was born a Moabite (E Vol. 4, p. 374).

(4) The Great Company, particularly the Good Levites in their cleansed condition, are "able to feed on what they once had [the antitypical shewbread] while in the Holy" (E Vol. 4, p. 128, bottom), while they shared in the anointing. But the Youthful Worthies never were in the Holy, hence cannot feed on such things, nor did they ever share in the anointing. Bro. Johnson states, . . . (E Vol. 4, pp. 129, 468).

(5) The Great Company have had their justification vitalized by the actual imputation of Christ's merit, and are now on trial for life, whereas the Youthful Worthies' justification is tentative, and they do not have the actual imputation of Christ's merit (E Vol. 4, pp. 344, 345), nor are they now on trial for life.

(6) The Great Company's vitalizedly-justified standing is pictured in the Inner Court of Solomon's Temple, which was closest to the Holy and Most Holy, whereas the Youthful Worthies' lower, tentatively-justified standing is pictured in the Great or Outer ("utter") Court, which was farther away from the Holy and Most Holy (1 Kg. 6: 36; 7: 12; P '53, p. 53, par. 6; comp. Ezek. 10: 5; 42: 1-3; 44: 19).

(7) The former's standing in the Inner Court is higher than that of those in the Outer Court, because, additionally, the Inner Court was "the higher court" (Jer. 36: 10), i.e., its elevation was above that of the Outer Court.

(40) The Great Company are the main part of antitypical Elisha, who since 1917 is the successor of antitypical Elijah, the Little Flock, as God's mouthpiece to Nominal Spiritual Israel and the world, whereas the Youthful Worthies are the subordinate part (E Vol. 3, pp. 7, 185-187). Because this public mouthpieceship was given chiefly to the Great Company, the Epiphany Messenger in referring to the matter frequently did not even mention the Youthful Worthies' part.

1 comment:

Me said...

The quotes provided here as proofs are all based on circular reasoning. The interpretation of the passage is "proven" by the person that interpreted it. In essence a proof you have offered is like this: "Naomi types ____, so therefore our argument is true." Who said that Naomi types this? The person trying to prove their point. No real proofs are offered. If you look at the Bible, nowhere is it clearly stated that Naomi types anything. In the new testament Jesus does clearly describe several types/antitypes and they almost exclusively refer to Jesus as a shadow of things to come. They do not refer to individuals like Paul S.L. Johnson.