Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What roll do the Youthful Worthies have in this attestatorial service?

July-August, 1960--"the Great Company's attestatorial service" (P '54, pp. 54-59; '56, pp. 90-94). In E Vol. 4, p. 31.

(42) The Great Company, as already shown, are typed in the maid child and its mother in Lev. 12; additionally, the mother's bringing her offering at the end of the 80 days in attestation of her purification having been accomplished, types the Great Company engaging in a special public work, toward Jews and Gentiles, for Epiphany Camp purposes, from the Fall of 1954 onward, in attestation of their purification having been accomplished, whereas the Youthful Worthies are not so pictured, though they are special assistants of the cleansed Great Company in this work, and may, following the directions of the Great Company, accomplish most of it, including especially its last phases, after the Great Company shall have left the earth. It is "the Great Company's attestatorial service" (P '54, pp. 54-59; '56, pp. 90-94). In E Vol. 4, p. 31 Bro. Johnson indicates from certain Scriptures that the Great Company "will have an exceedingly fruitful ministry when they as Jesus' agents gather the people into the camp condition of the Epiphany (Num. 8: 9)," and that this will be done by "the Great Company's message."

(43) Similarly, the Great Company has, according to Cant. 5: 8—6: l, been given the privilege of proclaiming the message to Fleshly Israel that in due time will result in their conversion. Bro. Johnson states that the Great Company's "preaching to Israel is described in vs. 10-16; and Israel's conversion in 6: 1. . . . In converting Israel through preaching the Word to them, the Great Company will be bringing a meat offering to the Lord in righteousness" (E Vol. 5, p. 421). Note that Bro. Johnson does not include the Youthful Worthies here, for Cant. 5: 8—6: 1 shows that this is the Great Company's work; however, the Youthful Worthies are the chief assistants of the cleansed Great Company in this work.

(44) Furthermore, the Great Company doing their clean work toward the public are typed by Miriam in her journeying with the people (Num. 12: 15), whereas the Youthful Worthies are not thus typed. Bro. Johnson writes, "Miriam's joining the people in journeying types the Great Company, especially in its leaders, doing the clean work that will be theirs after their cleansing—building the Epiphany Camp, first, from among the nominal-church believers after the nominal church is destroyed and, second, from among Fleshly Israel after they look upon Him whom they pierced and mourn for it (Zech. 12: 10). . . . Hence in the antitype Miriam will be in the antitypical journey, among other things engaging in her work of gathering Gentile and Jewish believers into the Epiphany Camp" (E Vol. 9, p. 156; P '54, p. 59). Thus this work is "their mission" (E Vol. 11, p. 713, line 6), though the Youthful Worthies as their special assistants may accomplish most of it, especially in its last phases, after the Great Company shall have left the earth.

(45) The Great Company receives certain special prerogatives as antitypical Japheth. Bro. Johnson states (P '44, p. 29, col. 1, bottom): "The Parousia and Epiphany Messengers further have taught that God would greatly increase the Great Company in numbers, work and influence (enlarge Japheth, Gen. 9: 27), give them the public mouthpieceship that the Little Flock formerly had, give them the latter's Truth (dwell in the tents of Shem)." But the Youthful Worthies are not mentioned here at all, either in the public mouthpieceship or in the stewardship of the Truth. Since the Little Flock have all been taken from the earth the oracles of God have been committed into the care of the Great Company (comp. Rom. 3: 2). Therefore, while the storehouse of knowledge was during the Parousia placed into the charge of Bro. Russell, that "faithful and wise servant" (Matt. 24: 45-47; Luke 12: 42-44), and during the Epiphany into the charge of Bro. Johnson, the one who had the wisdom of Solomon antitypically (E Vol. 10, p. 667; P '53, pp. 13, 14; '54, p. 41), since the rapture of the last star-member and last Little Flock member from the earth (E Vol. 10, pp. 142, 610, 665) the storehouse of knowledge would logically be entrusted to the care of the next highest class of God's consecrated people, i.e., the Great Company.

(46) The Great Company (in the Good Levite group) as antitypical Benjamin receive the antitypical 300 pieces of silver, "the fullness of Truth for Great Company and Youthful Worthy matters" (Gen. 45: 22; E Vol. 10, p. 651; comp. P '56, pp. 29, 66, par. 2), whereas, as already shown, the Youthful Worthies are not included in antitypical Benjamin. Hence the Youthful Worthies should know where to look for "the fullness of Truth"—they will obtain it from the antitypical Benjamin class only, and not from any alleged "little Jesus" or other would-be leader of the Great Company and Youthful Worthies that may arise from their own midst. Since the fullness of Truth is given to the Great Company, antitypical Benjamin, for Great Company matters and also for Youthful Worthy matters, there is no room for a Youthful Worthy to truthfully claim either that he has the Truth Divinely given into his charge to dispense to the Great Company, or (while the Great Company is still in the flesh) that he has the Truth Divinely given into his charge to dispense to, the Youthful Worthies.

(47) Additionally, the Great Company (in the Good Levite group) as antitypical Benjamin receive the antitypical five changes of raiment, the "five sets of authorizations, with their pertinent qualities" (Gen. 45: 22; E Vol. 10, p. 651). These five sets of authorizations the Great Company receive seem clearly to represent their spheres of authority in service, i.e., toward (1) the Great Company, (2) the Youthful Worthies, (3) the Consecrated Epiphany Campers, (4) "the loyal tentatively justified" for the Epiphany Camp particularly, and (5) the "loyal Jews for the Epiphany Camp" (E Vol. 10, p. 649; P '59, pp. 37-41). Thus the Great Company are given the sphere of authority in service over the Youthful Worthies, and not vice versa.

(66) The same thing is shown by the fact that the Epiphany Messenger pointed out the one typed by Baanah as in the Epiphany application being typed also by Hiram the king, who was "ever a lover of David" (who types Bro. Russell) and assisted in building him a house (1 Kg. 5: 1-3; 2 Chro. 2: 3; P '53, pp. 23, col. 2, par. 1, 91, 92), and additionally was Solomon's (in the antitype, Bro. Johnson's) special helper in building the temple, as well as in other enterprises (1 Kg. 5—10; 2 Chro. 2—9). . . . The executive office function is shown more particularly in the office functions of Hiram the king, though the teaching feature is not excluded, for king Hiram sent to king Solomon "six score talents of gold"—Divinely approved matters pertaining to the Little Flock, and to the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies (1 Kg. 9: 14; P '54, p. 22, col. 2, top).

(67) . . . . Antitypical Hiram the artisan is "a master workman in matters pertaining to the Divine (skilful to work in gold, 2 Chro. 2: 14), the Truth (silver), justification (brass), strong connectives (iron), new creatures (stone), corruptible human nature (timber), royalty (purple), faithfulness (blue), the righteousness of the saints (fine linen) and the Ransom and Sin-offerings (crimson), also skilful in developing the various fruits and graces of the Spirit (also to [en] grave any manner of [en] graving) and to plan and execute any project that might be assigned him (to find out every device which shall be put to him)" (P '53, p. 25, par. 1). For further details, see P '53, pp. 23-25, 54-56, 91, 92; '54, pp. 24, 42-44; '55, p. 84; '56, pp. 80-84; '58, pp. 31, 32. Both offices—Hiram the king and Hiram the artisan—were (in their Epiphany application) clearly set forth by the Epiphany Messenger as belonging only to the present leader of the Great Company and the Youthful Worthies.

Surely Brother Jolly has given us all the Truth up until the Times of Restitution. Psa. 112: 6

1 comment:

Fred said...

Thanks bbs,
The term "Spiritual Leader" has been a term has been loosely bandied about and used by many of the present day brethren associated with the LHMM to apply to Bro. Ralph Herzig. It has been used as a threat from the standpoint, either accept this premise that he is the spiritual leader or you are history in your association with the LHMM. Many claims and accusations' have been made against anyone who has sought to defend the "old time religion" if you don't like the "new" the attitude is get out. A brother made this comment to me considering that it's never been possible to "join" the LHMM, it's ironic that one can now be considered to have "left" it.

There is a difference between defending the Truth and publishing new material. If we defend the Truth we have certain rights (see: E7, pp. 296-297) "Therefore at the Asbury Park Convention we set forth the thought that, since the vacancy of the office of that Servant, pilgrims in office at the time of his death until a special eye, hand and mouth of the Lord is appointed, have the right apart from the auspices of the Society to publish a Truth paper, engage in pilgrim work and call General Conventions for the General Church, because of their office as General teachers of the Church," . . .
Why did Bro. Johnson have to speak out? And act on this matter? If he did nothing, Bro's. Johnson, Jolly and Hirsh ministries would have been completely stopped. E7, p. 297 "the claim that no one had a right to do pilgrim work, unless he was authorized either by the Society or by the P.B.I., and that we, being authorized by neither organization, had no right to the pilgrim office."

Did the LHMM do the same thing that the Society and PBI did in trying to shut down the ministries of 8 appointees in this country and other appointees in foreign countries?

The claim is being made there are some who are gazing and speculating? Whose new Truth is this?
E8 page 94
(74) "Indeed, the Lord has forbidden not only the non-priests, but even the priests, except His special successive priestly mouthpieces to them throughout the Gospel Age, to do what to the former He calls "to gaze" (Ex. 19: 21-25). The Hebrew word translated "to gaze" in Ex. 19: 21, is the same as that translated "to see" in Num. 4: 20. It means antitypically, to speculate. As the type indicates an effort on the part of the people and the priests "to gaze" during the preparation for giving the Law Covenant, so the antitype shows that during the Gospel Age when preparatory acts of giving the New Covenant are performed, there has been much effort made "to gaze" speculate on the part of the people and on the part of those Priests whom the Lord has not used as special mouthpieces."

PT 1960 page 60 (proof # 59)
"Moreover, to publish a paper for distribution among the General Church requires even a higher power than that of being a general elder merely, though one has to be a general elder, as distinct from a local elder, before he can edit and publish a paper for the General Church.

Question – Who is it that is publishing and editing, altering, amending, plagiarizing, and changing the writings and discourses of the spirit begotten leaders?

Answer – Who should cry Thief! Thief! Who is the real thief? Is it those who have given us a new view or (present view)? Those who have altered types and antitypes to fit their present agenda? Who is it that has added Sectarianism and Clericalism and given the LHMM a wagon?
PT 1960 (same PT page 63) "He will not leave them unprotected at the mercy of sifters; nor will He allow our work to be revolutionized into an organization—a "wagon"—"

PT 1960 page 62
"In their power-grasping efforts some have undertaken to change and even deny basic teachings set forth by Bro. Russell and Bro. Johnson, such as their teachings on the Epiphany, or Apocalypse, etc. (P '58, pp. 19-32), some even teaching in open contradiction of the Word of God, and all of them by speculation and revolutionism against God's arrangements becoming more or less apostate."
There has not been one article in the PT or BS since the Summer of 2004 that has not been altered or changed from some other Truth material and in most cases major changes.
Who is it that our Lord appointed as the "Spiritual" leader of His people?
Answer: Now look at the attestatorial work that was given by God to the (good) Great Company leader of the (Benjamin class) Bro. Jolly. In the 1960 PT, pp. 50-63 he put forth to the brethren what the nature of his work would be and the large scope and volume of Truth that he would be privileged to present to the brethren. This work in the 1960 PT was earmarked by Par. numbers, in the 1975 PT he shows them as 70 proofs. It was given to defend the Truth against 2 YW sifters. However, it showed his work and the work of the Youthful Worthy leaders and the rest of the Youthful Worthies and Consecrated Epiphany Campers at that time and after his death the work was to be continued.
