Sunday, August 9, 2009

Subtle Error "present view" Introduced - Part Two

The 2004 article then introduces two new sentences not found in the 1978 version. The first sentence completes the condition of the Great Company, while the second brings in the “present view” of the Youthful Worthies: “The Great Company has finished its course and has now received the spirit nature (Rev. 7: 1-14). The Youthful Worthies, as the last elect class, has been in the process of development since their inception in 1878 (see E4, The Epiphany's Elect, pp. 372-376; PT No. 519).”

There are some important questions that we need to ask ourselves. Was Bro. Johnson unable to hold a consistent thought within the same book (E4)? Did he express two dates for one event? We know this to not be the case when we look at the other pages such as 23, 39, 318, 327, 339, 405, 419, 426, 437, 440, 462 and 469.

The position of Executive Trustee is purely a business office only. Please see PT QB, pages 314 - 322.

Did Brother Jolly's election as Executive Trustee of the LHMM confer on him any powers aside from those of a business office, such as pastor, teacher, interpreter, pilgrim, etc.? No.

Are there any Scriptural indications that the leader of the good Levites is likewise the leader of the Great Company as a whole? Yes, there are several. Is there any Scriptural support for the current Executive Trustee as being our leader? No. There is no indication of any leader as now defined by the Executive Trustee.

Is the Executive Trustee of the LHMM as such authorized to bring forth advancing Truth? No. There was a difference between Bro. Jolly's office as the Lord's executive and as Executive Trustee of the LHMM? As taught, the office of the Executive Trustee of the LHMM is a much lower office, being merely a business office, to which they were elected by the brethren.

The brethren in America want the current Executive Trustee to do his job, refrain from rewriting cleansed truth, handle the business affairs of the LHMM, and keep the Parousia and Epiphany Truth in its purity.This is the truth on the matter.


Unknown said...

Thank you for showing these changes that affect the very meaning of what Bro. Jolly wrote - with the "present view" removing them from their place in the Epiphany Tabernacle picture, the intent of what Bro. Jolly wrote is radically changed. If you do not change the author's intent (Bro. Jolly), it is clear that the YWs could not be a class prior to the Epiphany. Where would this be shown in the tabernacle?

Anonymous said...

I would like to contact you. I asked a brother in CA to give you my address and someone sent me cards for a while but they had no return address and stopped coming some months ago. I am in extreem north west AL. Perhaps you still have my address and would you send me something with a way that I may contact you?