Friday, November 23, 2012

Youthful Worthies—Do they Have The Imputed Merit Of Jesus For Their Standing.

Question (1921)—The Ancient Worthies had their faith imputed to them for righteousness, and were regarded by God as friends, and as such had access to Him. Is this the standing of the Youthful Worthies, or do they come through the Way—Jesus?

Answer.—All of the tentatively justified have their faith imputed to them for righteousness. This would, therefore, include the Youthful Worthies as well as
the Ancient Worthies. Just like the Ancient Worthies, the Youthful Worthies are not sons of God; for neither Christ’s merit has been imputed, nor has the spirit
begettal been given to either Class.
Just like the Ancient Worthies they are friends of Jehovah God, and have access to God; but not to Him as their Father, even as was the case with the Ancient Worthies. They are not to pray to Him as their Father, but as Jehovah, their God. They are not introduced to the Father by the Advocate, though Jesus as God’s Vicegerent acts providentially toward them, as He did in His prehuman condition toward the Ancient Worthies. Therefore they do not by Him have access through the one Spirit to the Father as the Church does.—Eph. 2: 18. ’21-9

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